Jul 17, 2007

Comment of the Week

We haven't had one of these in a while, now have we? Maybe even never on this blog. Be that as it may, here's the comment that caught my eye, from the Report details history of LANL operations post. You have to admit, there is a certain amount of karma surrounding the views of the commenter, below.



Well, I say that if the if the good citizens of Los Alamos want a production plutonium pit fab facility, then they should have it. Years later most of them will die of cancer, and if that isn't kismet, I don't know what is.

Same goes for the good citizens of Santa Fe, if they allow their good neighbors in Los Alamos to build and staff that shiny new pit production complex.


Anonymous said...

Maybe not 'most' of them. Many, probably, especially when you count all of those who live downstream.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes. Great comment. I can think of none that better summarizes this blog and its contribution to Los Alamos. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

"Same goes for the good citizens of Santa Fe, if they allow their good neighbors in Los Alamos..."

Hehe, as if folks in Santa Fe can "allow" or "not allow" anything that goes on on the Hill!

The DOE will decide what happens to LANL and ultimately, to Los Alamos as a community. Odds are no one here will see it coming or be able to do anything to prevent or mitigate it. Always been the case, always will be. Leave or diversify immediately if you want to survive; if you are totally dependent on DOE or it's largess, get a clue.

BTW, everyone is "downstream" of the decades of atmospheric testing. Everythng else is small potatoes. Lawyers, and a few others mostly at random, may get rich, but no one else should waste their time on supposed local "contamination."

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a Bechtel/BWXT/WG corporate pit-whore, 7:25pm.

Come on, the, let's hear it: tell us why a bazillion dollar production facility at Los Alamos will be good for all of us.

Gussie Fink-Nottle said...

I second 7:58 PM's motion, 7:58. Tell us all why a production-scale plutonium pit fabrication facility at LANL will benefit us all (and not just you corporate types).


Anonymous said...

You ask too much of 7:58, Gussie. Once you consider the fact that *all* of the nation's foreseeable pit requirements can be satisfied by the Pantex's pit reuse program, the only argument he has left is "But, it would create jobs at LANL (oh, and a shitload of profit for LANS, LLC)."

I doubt you've be hearing from that particular pit-whore again.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure LANL will get the pit production facility since Udall is now backing the House bill that would slash LANL's funding. He cites that "LANL & Sandia must shift focus to energy" according to the headline on the SF New Mexican:

Anonymous said...

Gussie, I won't waste my time trying to have a constructive dialog here. Not worth the effort.

Anonymous said...

Second, 11:53pm. The sole purpose of this website seems to be the bashing of LANS/LANL/Los Alamos (justified or not). But I no longer care. I am working on my exit strategy instead (which, unfortunately, is rather slow developing).

Anonymous said...


Bring some facts to your argument.

Bring on Rocky South!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I nominate the 8:49am poster to be among the first to be let go when Udall's $400 million budget reductions for LANL and SNL go into effect.