It's hard to believe that seven days have already passed since the last Comment of the Week -- time flies when you're having fun. It was a quiet week; only 86 comments have been received since last Sunday.
The previous two COTW posts have focused on clever contributions to Frank's blog. For something different, this week we proudly present for your reading pleasure a fine example of the LANL "It's all about me" mindset. Or, to put it another way, "I'm entitled!" Puting it yet another way, this week's COTW highlights an example of arguably one of the worst of the LANL demographic groups: the Anonymous Coward who, oh, so bravely complains about something. It doesn't really matter what, practically anything will do as long as his little bleats of protest are heard. Just don't count on him to say anything brave in public, where people know who he is.
In this fine example of nameless, cowardly bitchiness, our brave little complainer is upset that Frank's LTRS blog is not having its comments promptly moderated at 11:08 on a Saturday night. And so, without further ado, I present this week's Comment of the Week, a premier example of self-righteous self-centeredness from a worthless little piece of garbage who seriously needs to get a life.
Frank and Doug have better things to do tonight. If you as a blog owner insist on reviewing posts, you might want to be around to do it. If not, then not. What's more important? I'd actaully[sic] like it if this blog were removed permanently. It would be better for all concerned (LANL. LANL employees, ex-LANL employees, LANL-haters, Government employees bored at their desks, and of course the Los Alamos County teenagers whose parents work at the Lab and who won't tell them anything. Do the world a favor. Or, be a responsible blog owner.
PS: Kevin -- feel free to pile on here, using your own anonymous persona, of course! BTW Kevin: good job earlier this week on assuring us that no Plutonium actually walked out the door of TA-55, in spite of the inability of the Best and the Brightest (TM) at TA-55 to account for some missing pounds of the stuff. I know I slept better that night after reading your press release!
Sixth grader?
I think that Mikey wrote that comment.
Not that I'm a fan of Kevin Roark but Doug, what do you expect him to say about the TA-55 incident, when knowing the information surrounding the investigation is probably OUO if not higher classification.
He can't reveal the exact why's, how's and how much's so he gives a generic PR spiel out to the public, at least announcing there is a potential problem.
If the lab DIDN't say anything and POGO got ahold of info from NNSA or LASO, then the lab is cursed for hiding information. So they are proactive and admit there is a problem, but everyone complains about the press release.
Damn if you do, damned if you don't.
True enough, 5:31.
However, I've said it before: If your job description calls for lying, you can either live with that, or you can go get a new job.
BTW, I'm not a huge fan of hiding behind OUO when it comes to disclosure of how taxpayer's money is being misspent. The John Mitchell incident pops to mind here.
Queue Kevin...
Doug, you're an ass. You know for a fact that we cannot post our real names for fear of losing our jobs!
I think what the commenter was trying to say if you insist on reviewing posts, either update comments on a regular basis (1 1/2 days is NOT regular) or don't bother. (Comments were posted regularly for a while and now postings are taking a few days to appear and censored. If something is wrong with Frank, I hope he gets better soon.)
You know Doug, sometimes you act like those you criticize.
Well, 5:44[prick] I may have gained a *few* pounds in the last 4 years, but I don't think I'm all ass [you dildo].
You forget [idiot] that I started the LANL, The Real Story blog when everybody was quivering in their boots in fear that if they used their real names to post to that blog Nanos would fire them. A (disappointingly) few of us continued to use our real names during that turbulent period, without losing our jobs, I might add. An inconvenient fact, from your perspective, I realize.
So, please continue to use the "But we will lose our jobs if we post using our real names," excuse [coward] if you must.
Know, however, that you are only fooling yourself [coward] [pussy] [bootlick] [chicken].
Did I say [coward]?
Well! I for one am happy we cleared the air on this issue!
Now, please: don't let my understanding of your situation as pertains to cowardice, anonymity, and ethical behavior put a damper on further discussion of this subject. I really do value your opinion [not].
"this week we proudly present for your reading pleasure a fine example of the LANL "It's all about me" mindset. Or, to put it another way, "I'm entitled!" "
"You forget [idiot] that I started the LANL, The Real Story blog when everybody was quivering in their boots in fear that if they used their real names to post to that blog Nanos would fire them."
You said it, I didn't.
Doug -
No fair writing your own "Comment of the Week" entry!
But nicely done, all the same...
3/1/09 5:44 PM,
Nothing is wrong with me. Yesterday I was driving back from meeting some blog readers in NM. I've had very little time on the internet for over a week.
Yes, I was in Los Alamos. Maybe you saw me at Smith's or sat next to me at a restaurant.
On cowardice: It's wrong. That's just for openers. You all know it: no great revelation here. No rational arguments expected.
Since we're on the subject, though, I've noticed a couple of trends developing at LANL over the last few years that I thought I'd share.
1) The overall cowardice level has increased since I left in June, 2005. No big surprise here, given the switch to "at will" employment status which staff now enjoy under the stewardship of LANS, LLC.
2) The overall level of quality 'contributions' to Frank's blog is falling below even the "C Student" level that LANS, LLC seems to aspire to. What could be the reason for this? I can dredge up couple of possible explanations:
* The good people are leaving, being replaced by lower quality staff. What do the actual statistics show: 3,000 people having left LANL since June, 2005? Who have they been replaced by?
* The good people who remain at LANL view writing comments to the current blog as a a futile wasted effort.
* Anonymous 'contributions' are increasingly more heavily seeded by corporate backers (Hello, again, Kevin!).
* We, as a society, are actually getting stupider; more self-centered (is that even possible?)
* My perceptions are inaccurate. Los Alamos has always been this way. Having grown up in LA, I suppose I could believe this.
In any event I find the ease with which anonymous attacks on the character of Frank and myself can be countered to almost embarrassing. I mean really, is this the best you have to offer?
* "Doug, you are an ass."
* "Do the world a favor. Or, be a responsible blog owner"
* "Anastasio is dog poo."
Jeeze, don't you guys up there on The Hill have any pride left?
7:18 pm: "Jeeze, don't you guys up there on The Hill have any pride left?
Jeez, Doug, as a previous poster noted, you act like those you claim to despise. Your earlier post was one long, angry, name-calling rant. You were (apparently) more reasonable when you owned the blog. You've become unhinged, I fear. So sad. I hope Frank is appreciative of your "help." (Let the rant begin.)
Doug, I loved your original LANL blog and feel that you are largely responsible for helping LANL get rid of that bully of a Director, Pete Nanos. Don't ever forget that. Many of us left here at LANL won't ever forget it!
We owe you big time for that one. You have a lot of friends in the community of Los Alamos National Lab.
Here's hoping that you find some happiness in your life. Please don't let LANL and the mess that is still occurring here at this lab pull you down. Ignore the blog critics who try to get under your skin. If they succeed at getting you ticked off, then they've done exactly what they intended to do. Thwart them at their every turn. Ignoring them with nothing more than a calm response is usually the best technique.
This blog serves as a means to uncover many of the bad things going on at LANL. Yeah, the name calling is juvenile and the S/N ratio sucks at times, but it's the best tool around to cleanse the place with some occasional bright daylight. And, while LANS and NNSA may not like it, many of the posts on this blog are heard by a much wider community than just the many disgruntled employees at the lab.
Thanks, Frank and Doug, for you efforts!
"In any event I find the ease with which anonymous attacks on the character of Frank and myself can be countered to almost embarrassing. I mean really, is this the best you have to offer?"
Doug, you haven't "countered" anything, you've just responded with your own hate-filled invective. Is that your idea of success?
Get a life Doug.
And if you have a real agenda here other than the "I am Doug and you are anonymous", LANL has been lost long time ago. And no, even as the LANL as you knew it is long gone, the institution is here to stay.
Your[coward] [pussy] [bootlick] [chicken] anonymous blogger.
"BTW Kevin: good job earlier this week on assuring us that no Plutonium actually walked out the door of TA-55, in spite of the inability of the Best and the Brightest (TM) at TA-55 to account for some missing pounds of the stuff."
Get a clue. If in fact there were "pounds" of Pu missing, neither POGO nor you would know anything about it. POGO is just being its normal, LANL-bashing self, and you, being a LANL-basher, are playing into it. Don't you just love being POGO's tool? It is just so depressing when a cliche proves true.
Signed - Not Kevin.
"You know for a fact that we cannot post our real names for fear of losing our jobs!" - 5:44 pm
I honestly think that while this might be legitimate as a fear, I'm not convinced it's legitimate as a reality. More likely, you might make your career path a little steeper, if you tick off the wrong person. If you say something controversial, and then get fired, it only draws more attention to the controversy.
Either way, I think if you aren't willing to risk the job you hate by telling the truth as you see it and backing that up with your real name, then you're likely to guarantee nothing will change. Even a few comments from actual people (assuming they aren't just calling each other names) carries more impact than 10 fold similar comments from anonymous personas. To realize change, you will need to be willing to put it on the line (okay, not the greatest economy in which to take a stand, I'll admit, but it's not like the discontent started yesterday).
Anonymity breeds sloppiness of the facts, incivility, rudeness, thoughtlessness, arrogance and a lack of accountability in at least half the posts on this site. You can't hold LANS accountable for failings if you don't hold yourself accountable for your criticism. (My opinion, only).
Don't you think if a few more Dr. So-and-so's with some measure of credibility within LANS, their external scientific peer group, and even the local community here in NM, were to put their name on a comment stating that there was an issue with a particular business practice, it would hold more weight, maybe drive more change?
Maybe not. I don't know. The particulars are different for every person, so I don't want to generalize, but "without risk, there can be no reward."
Now, please excuse me while I eat another sleeve of Thin Mints and retreat to my heady world of naive idealism.
Only the high-level managers at LANS are "at will." everyone else is not. LANS had the opportunity to make that change at take over, but chose not to.
And, sorry, I'm not a current LANS employee, but I still post anonymously. Coward? No, but I can speak more freely without being identified.
LANL employees at ALL levels are "at will." Five years ago when houses could be sold and good jobs were plentiful, that was not so much a problem. Today, things are very VERY different. Yes, indeed people at LANL (and other places) are legitimately fearfull and are thus very unwilling to speak out.
Greg, You don't really know what you are talking about. I know for a fact that Neu went after people to find out who leaked the TA-48 radioactive germanium incident. Group leaders and their deputies got taken to the wood shed and ordered to find out and get rid of anyone who admitted telling people about the incident. Eventually, the RCT who was in charge of handling the incident got axed.
Dear Doug,
It's nice to see you've raised the level of discourse here.
I am puzzled as to why you still hang around this place after being retired and all? It's kind of like the person who graduated from high school and then comes back to hang around and smoke cigarettes with the sophomores and juniors.
You must be very proud.
I hear leather tanning, needlecraft or even whipping up things in an Easy Bake oven can be very satisfying. The world's your oyster, big fella!
Another [fucktard][shit goblin][ass kisser][coward]
"It's kind of like the person who graduated from high school and then comes back to hang around and smoke cigarettes with the sophomores and juniors."
I see Doug as more like one of the grown ups from the scared straight documentaries and you are like one of the punk kids with a bunch of attitude.
Dear 6:51am,
I myself am puzzled by the fascination that I sometimes still feel about LANL. I suppose the best explanation that I can come up with is the "train wreck" analogy. You can see it coming, but you can't take your eyes off of it.
Also, thanks for the suggestions on how to spend my post-LANL time! As attractive as you make whipping up things in an Easy Bake oven sound, though, I believe that I prefer stirring up things occasionally on this blog. The Anonymous Outrage generated by my some of my more pointed comments is usually quite entertaining.
Nice .signature at the end of your comment, BTW!
I come on this blog to read about what's happening at LANL but frankly, I could really do without Roberts' commentary. There's nothing about the COTW that screams "It's all about me". It's more of a criticism of how this blog is maintained.
If it disgusts you so much that people post anonymously, if you really feel it is such a cowardice act, then just stop posting them. Or (better yet), only post the comments you feel "contribute" to the blog (your agenda). Please, tell us what to think and how to feel.
After reading this blog for a few years, I think Frank is pretty level-headed. Doug, on the other hand, is on some power trip from hell.
I think that this blog should be required reading for all LANL job applicants.
Doug, you've been gone from LANL since the LANS for-profit crew took over, so you aren't privy to just how bad it has become inside this lab. You may have heard stories, but you have to live it each and every day to fully grasp how dire the situation has become.
Let me put it to you this way... we've gone from being a train wreck to being a flaming plane wreck. In a train wreck, you'll typically find lots of survivors. In a plane wreck, the pilot and all off the passengers are almost always lost to the fire.
During the Nanos period, employees still had some life left in them, even if it was mostly anger. At this point, LANL is a place filled with lots of dulled, lifeless zombies roaming the halls. Stress over long periods of time will do that to people.
Honest to God, most of the scientists I know just don't care anymore. They know the situation at LANL is bad and would love to see improvements, but morale has hit the point were people are just giving up in mass.
Trust in almost all levels of upper management is completely gone. It has reached a level that I never witnessed during the Nanos time period. A very strong "us" vs. "them" mentality has overtaken the place now that Bechtel calls most of the important shots. And, regardless of what LANS may say, all employees are now "at will" in effect, though not in official policy. I've witnessed this with my own eyes and know it to be true.
Doug, you should be glad you are out of this place. In fact, most of the best and brightest who left over the last couple of years are probably feeling much better and saner now that they've left LANL. Many of those still here would love to leave but we feel like mice caught in a cage. We've got homes that won't sell and kids to get through college and debts to pay off. Not everyone has the luxury of picking up and leaving the lab because it is not an individual decision for many of us. That's just the way it is.
When looking over the present situation, it appears that LANL is like an emotional toxic waste dump. You don't want to come into contact with this stuff. If you don't currently work at LANL but are considering a research position at this institution, then you'll want to stay away. The Pu and Be exposures are the least part of the lab's "pollution" problems.
"Honest to God, most of the scientists I know just don't care anymore." - 11:03 AM
Well, let's see, LANS (Bechtel) instituted a new job performance metric, PerforM, which is designed to punish high performers by raising the bar ever higher if they do good in a single year.
In effect, PerforM is designed to punish you with bad marks for the upcoming years if you happen to get good marks for the present year! How sick is that?
Is it any wonder that morale at LANL just keeps sinking and employees don't care any longer?
Some of the comments on here (Doug) are quite amusing in light of the accidental outing of Gussie (Doug) a while ago. And subsequent comment suppression of anyone who points out that fact.
"I know for a fact that Neu went after people to find out who leaked the TA-48 radioactive germanium incident." 6:52am
So, my point being that when you post this anonymously, at best, it's an unsubstantiated rumor. If you see something that you think is morally/ethically wrong you should stand up for your principles, and then stand behind them. I believe I did qualify that by saying I understand that it's a generality and cannot apply to everyone who posts, here.
But, if you're seeing stuff that is wrong/unethical/illegal then I hope you are following the internal complaint/er process as well as writing the papers and your favorite politicians etc. if that doesn't work, and not just counting on anonymous posts to the blog to get your point across or your problem heard.
So maybe, to restate my late evening post more succinctly: I'm not saying "don't blog anonymously" I'm just saying that this alone is a poor vehicle for positive change.
12:20 pm: "I'm not saying "don't blog anonymously" I'm just saying that this alone is a poor vehicle for positive change."
Greg, your are indeed in a "heady world of naive idealism." as you stated earlier. Your error is in asssuming "positive change" is desired by LANS management, and that it is even seen as possible by employees. It isn't anymore. Some, like yourself, may take longer to realize the end has already come.
Well, positive change is definitely not possible if we give up, is it? I don't like to give up. Even the AZ Cardinals got to the Superbowl eventually...
Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
From AIP:
FY 2009 Omnibus Funding Bill: DOE Office of Science
Funding for the Department of Energy’s Science programs would increase by 18.8 percent or $754.9 million in the FY 2009 Omnibus Appropriations Bill that was released yesterday by House and Senate conferees.
This AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News can be found here:
The joint explanatory statement of Division C - Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2009 is here:
NNSA related budget is listed beginning page 108 with mixed results. E.g. pit manufacturing will be cut by $214M among other things. But MaRIE is included with $19M. Also the CMRR will receive additional $23M to a total of $93M according to this bill.
hey 2:08 PM (aka quote-y)
"A fine quotation is a diamond on the finger of a man of wit, and a pebble in the hand of a fool."
You think quoting others makes you witty and clever, instead it has the opposite effect. Please post an original thought.
Perhaps you meant "cue Kevin", unless of course you meant to make him wait.
John M. Pedicini
Poster 2:08 PM seems to enjoy quoting Churchill. If you walk by the electronic marquee in front of the NSSB, you'll notice that LANS has been putting up a lot of "inspiring" quotes by Churchill in a lame attempt to uplift the "troop's" morale.
I suppose that in the Bechtel business circles in which LANS executives hang out, this sort of lame stuff is seen as being innovative and effective.
The electronic marquee board with its lame quotes reinforces the perception of many LANL scientists that this lab has become one huge joke, but not in a funny way.
Hey 3/2/09 5:50 PM
FU you creep!
"As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border."
Just today, I learned of yet another respected middle age scientist who has left LANL for another (better) lab. Every week bring news of a yet another new employee who has left.
At one time, the Divisions and Directorates announced when these people were leaving. Today, they keep quiet and say nothing. It's only by accident that you seem to find out the name of yet another scientist who has fled. (Sigh!)
It's been said here before, but it bears repeating... this place is rapidly loosing much of the best scientific talent. Mike Anastasio and Terry Wallace should be ashamed of these losses, but instead I've reluctantly come to believe that they are working to actually encourage this flight of LANL talent!
I am just waiting for the first abused lanl employee to off himself publicly at LANL. Postal workers are not the only ones who snap.
Hi, John.
I have no problems with making Kevin wait. In the wings. Awaiting his que. Which never comes.
"Queue Kevin...
From a so called computer scientist no less. Um, did you mean a priority or bounded queue?
Oh, I'm sorry, we shouldn't make fun of Doug's little mistakes because he's a really important person being so brave to start a blog and put his name on it.
What's wrong Doug? Won't your parrots talk to you anymore?
LANS is now banning all Excel files from coming into LANL networks. Here is the official message that appeared late last week on LANL's web:
February 26, 2008 Incoming Excel attachments are being temporarily quarantined, and Excel downloads from the web are being blocked because of a new vulnerability.
Pursuant to Microsoft Security Advisory #968272, the LANL Enterprise Core services team is quarantining all email with Excel attachments, until our mail protections can detect this exploit and appropriate desktop measures to protect systems are in place. CSIRT and NIE/ADE management assessed the threat, and because this vulnerability is being actively exploited in an aggressive and malicious fashion, these temporary measures are being taken.
ZIP files are never allowed at LANL. Last week they added a ban for PDFs. This week it's banned Excel files. Over the Holidays, it's a ban on all incoming Email.
If the idea is to create Work Free Safety Zones on the LANL networks, it's working. What's the plan for next week, banning all ASCI text files? This is getting ridiculous.
Another excellent article was posted by Frank Munger over at the Knoxville News about a possible move of the NNSA complex over to DOD. Regardless of what ABQ Mayor Martin Chavez may say, this idea is not yet dead within the Obama Administration.
The insightful stuff Munger posts over at Knoxville News is light years ahead of any of the stuff you're likely to find in the Los Alamos Vomiter:
Rep. Wamp, DOE & the Nuclear Weapons Complex - March 1, 2009
I'd been trying unsuccessfully, in recent weeks, to catch up with Congressman Zach Wamp to see what he thought of the Obama administration's apparent push to move the Nuclear Weapons Complex out of the Dept.of Energy and over to the Dept. of Defense. Few members of Congress are more intimately knowledgeable of the nuclear weapons program than Wamp, and he's been a big supporter, in part because of the Y-12 warhead plant in his home district.
On Friday, at an event at Y-12's New Hope Center, I had a few minutes to talk with Wamp, and I asked him for his position on relocating the weapons program to DOD. "Well, that is the $64,000 question right now," he said.
Wamp said the idea is not necessarily something that Oak Ridge should be scared about at this point, but he said he's anxious to hear more about what the intentions and motivations are for the possible change of oversight and management of the U.S. nuclear weapons enterprise.
The eight-term Republican congressman said a lot of the answers should come this week when Energy Secretary Steven Chu appears before the Appropriations energy and water subcommittee. "We plan to begin the process (Wednesday) of asking the questions about this. Because you have to, I think, find what are the motives.
"I understand that the new Dept. of Energy is really going to focus on renwable energy, energy efficiency, altenative energy. Energy research is certainly going to be a big priority, and that certainly is going to help the Oak Ridge National Laboratory because we can do it, and we are really positioned well to help our country as we go into this new paradigm.
"The big question, though, is what about weapons? Nonproliferation is going to drive a lot of their decisionmaking, and we've got to try to discern what are you trying to accomplish? I don't think we should necessarily be afraid of moving it out of DOE, if it goes under DOD, as long as it doesn't take a back seat to anything. As long as it's not made a secondary priority.
"I've been concerned for some time whether this administration would be both pro-nuclear energy and pro-nuclear weapons. I do believe we're still going to have to pedal real fast on environmental management funding. Funding (for cleanup) is up in the stimulus. I hope that doesn't take anything away from our budget authority in the (2010) budget request for EM. That's a question mark.
"So, in all three major mission funds (for Oak Ridge), the big question is weapons and what is the posture going to be from the Obama administration. I hope that the left wing of the party, particularly on nuclear, that Ed Markey (of Massachusetts) doesn't win the day, but so far I'm really concerned that they have a global-warming, climate-change, cap-and-trade agenda that is actually not embracing the nuclear energy piece of it.. I know there's a huge separation between weapons and nuclear power, but at the same time the anti-nuclear people are all lined up against both of them. As a result, we hope that it doesn't become a secondary priority of this administration to maintain the stockpile, to stand behind investments to modernize facility, such as UPF (the Uranium Processing Facility at Y-12)."
Wamp said the '09 budget figure of $93 million for UPF is sufficient that it "moves us forward" on the big project, which would replace Y-12's main production complex.
Wamp said he and Sen. Lamar Alexander worked to make sure that UPF funding wasn't cut in the budget for the rest of this fiscal year.
"So, we're moving forward, but the question is where is the Obama administration going to be in (2010) relative to this. All we got (so far) were the top-line numbers. It looks liike there's a transition underway with the NNSA piece. We're going to have those questions answered, beginning (Wednesday with Chu's appearance before the Appropriations energy and water subcommittee), and then we'll see what kind of priority it is.
"The danger of going over to DOD and moving NNSA out of DOE is that then it gets mixed with bombs, bullets and the men and women in harms's way and their benefits. The question then is will it get the attention there. Some people will say (the weapons program) doesn't get enough attention at DOE. So, I don't want to say the current situation is the perfect one, I will say it's better than the old school before we had the NNSA, but I really want to work to protect this capability because we need it. It will be real interesting to see. The Obama administration has been pulled to the left pretty rapidly. I hope that doesen't mean a diminished prioritization for weapons activities."
Wamp said the budget blueprint released so far by the Obama administration shows there could very well be a move of the NNSA and the nuclear weapons work to the Pentagon.
"Then that becomes very concerning for all us ..... Is there the separation so that it's not a DOD mission with people in the uniforms? Those are all questions that they're going to have to answer in the comming days."
Wamp said the subcommittee is keeping the apponitment with Chu on Wednesday, even though there's a joint session with the Prime Minister of Great Britain almost at the same time.
"We didn't move our hearing because we didn't want to let go of him. This is too critical This is a whole new paradigm. He's a lab guy. We know where his heart is on energy. We don't know where this administration is on weapons. I talked to Darrel (Kohlhorst, the general manager of Y-12) as soon as I got here this morning, because that is the $64,000 question of the week."
This isn't for the weak of heart. If you create a forum where issues that are not complimentary to your place of work are discussed, you are not going to be very popular with the management.
Doug Roberts
Which I would have to say qualifies for the Captain Obvious Award of the Year....
"What's wrong Doug? Won't your parrots talk to you anymore?
3/2/09 8:41 PM"
Hey 8:41 PM, this the voice inside your head that you and I both know about. We are going to up the ante and now by having secret comments that only you can read. Just like the voice in your head that says the same thing you will read over and over again, "you are a piece of shit, you are a piece of shit, you are a piece of shit ..."
"So, I don't want to say the current situation is the perfect one, I will say it's better than the old school before we had the NNSA"
Well, this is interesting in that not even St. Pete, who created the NNSA, would agree.
One question for all of you who want to move to DoD. Perhaps the most hated figures in the last few years here at LANL have been the ex,military -- Nanos, Foley, D'Agostino to name a few. And you want to live under these type of people forever? I don't get it.
8:31 pm: "I am just waiting for the first abused lanl employee to off himself publicly at LANL. Postal workers are not the only ones who snap."
Yep, and also, with the removal of guards at most entrances to security areas (like NNSB), you only need to swipe your badge and have your palm print taken. Your Uzi goes in free. Given the state of LANL employee morale, If I worked in there I'd be worried.
You should seek therapy. Your continued hunger for attention from this blog is concerning. Move on, it's the best thing for you.
Ask yourself this question: Do I spend too much time on this blog?
It's time to do something else and leave LANL behind for good.
Me too
10:16 was about 9:52, to be clear.
9:47 pm: "Hey 8:41 PM, this the voice inside your head that you and I both know about. We are going to up the ante and now by having secret comments that only you can read. Just like the voice in your head that says the same thing you will read over and over again, "you are a piece of shit, you are a piece of shit, you are a piece of shit ...""
Wow. Serious piece of alternative reality there. I really hope you are never within, say, 50 miles of me. Because if I felt that close to you I'd have to kill you in self-defense. Be warned.
Rep. Wamp, DOE & the Nuclear Weapons Complex - March 1, 2009
3/2/09 9:10 PM
Interesting comments by Congressman Zach Wamp. Sounds like we might get a few clues from Secretary Steven Chu this week.
""I've been concerned for some time whether this administration would be both pro-nuclear energy and pro-nuclear weapons."
I think Pres. Obama has made it clear that RRW is not being supported but reducing the stockpile further is.
"I'm really concerned that they have a global-warming, climate-change, cap-and-trade agenda that is actually not embracing the nuclear energy piece of it.. I know there's a huge separation between weapons and nuclear power, but at the same time the anti-nuclear people are all lined up against both of them."
It's going to be interesting to see what support this administration gives to nuclear energy.
The way our government is throwing $$$ around these days we could use a bit of it to build a dozen or so new power reactors that would be a great stimulus for our economy.
Mikey forgot to sign his comment at 3/2/09 10:06 PM
Great, quote-y is a 10 year old with a book of quotes (or found the various quote websites). But, I guess FU counts as an original thought. Since you love Churchill so much...
"It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations."
"Because if I felt that close to you I'd have to kill you in self-defense. Be warned.
3/2/09 11:10 PM"
Ya you sound like a sad, desperate, impotant, little person. You could not hurt a fly.
watch out for horsey Mary, because she is watching you, never did trust people with eyes on the sides of their faces rather than centered, hmmmm, look at her org chart photo
The photo looks like the south end of a north-facing horse.
Art Garfunkle?
...or Doug after anonymously consulting with his parrots.
Seriously, could we please get back to "business" and add some of the non-Doug/Frank/anonymous poster bashing contributions as top-level post?
generic blogger response.
"Seriously, could we please get back to "business" and add some of the non-Doug/Frank/anonymous poster bashing contributions as top-level post?3/3/09 3:27 PM"
Amen brother...I dont care whether you're anonymous or not - I'm more interested in what you have to say.
Wow, the generic and anonymous LANL employee looks a lot like Mary Neu ...
Are you threatening me? http://threateningme.ytmnd.com/
one word for rapid blogging with no adult supervision:
be the future, start one up guys and gals
I know! I know!
It's sadder that there are comments, because [wait for it]
The comments are *really* sad.
Whut a bunch of fuck'n looooosers hang out there up on the Hill.
Oppie would be sadly disappointed at how LANL has turned out.
Forget all the mush, here's some meat.
This story demonstrates what happens when a once "crown jewel" National Lab can't keep people around with the proper experience because morale has been destroyed and the "best and brightest" are all bailing out.
Note the comments about loss of expertise in the article below. LANL experience is rotting away under NNSA and LANS leadership (but you probably already knew that if you frequently read this blog, right?).
According to this article, LANL is now being required to bring in *experienced* people from other DOE sites to help fix TA-55's measurement problems. The Homer Simpson types left at LANL just don't cut it.
Duuuuhhhh.... wez the bestest of all. Wez LANL!!! BURP!
Energy scrutinizes Los Alamos bookkeeping problems
By Katherine McIntire Peters, govexec.com, March 3, 2009
National Laboratory said on Monday the government had established specific performance criteria to address shortcomings in the lab's tracking of plutonium and would dock the contractor if it fails to fix the problems.
The New Mexico lab is managed for the government by Los Alamos National Security LLC, a company formed by Bechtel National Inc., the University of California, Babcock and Wilcox Co., and URS. The Energy Department's National Nuclear Security Administration is responsible for overseeing the work done by LANS.
Record-keeping problems at the lab came to light after a Feb. 23 memo from Energy's site office manager to the laboratory director criticizing material control and accountability in plutonium operations was leaked last week to Project on Government Oversight.
The memo described a "lack of qualified and experienced personnel in critical positions; inattention to performance indicators; lack of an approved and compliant [nuclear material control and accountability] plan; lack of procedures for key processes" and other problems at the lab first discovered last June.
"This is a bookkeeping issue, but it's very complicated because [nuclear] material changes form," he said. The accounting problems at Los Alamos were specifically in plutonium processing, and not labwide. Records must reflect the amount of material in the lab at all times, even as that material is processed from an oxide to a pure metal, creating waste along the way. Purity levels change with each step of the process and must be accounted for.
"It's sort of like weighing ice cubes as you go through the freezing and thawing processes, pulling data out as you go along," Snyder said.
The work requires a mix of skills involving nuclear physics, scientific measurement and specialized bookkeeping. A combination of staff cuts at the lab, attrition among government oversight employees, and inexperienced new personnel working for both the contractor and the government contributed to the accountability issues, he said.
"We didn't have the best transition processes and training for new people, because it is a very complicated area that you don't find in the world at large or in industry," Snyder said.
To address the shortcomings, the contractor has eliminated some dual-hatted positions and asked a senior person with substantial experience in material control and accountability to fill a critical vacancy. In addition, the contractor will bring in more experienced personnel from other sites to help with training and augment oversight, Snyder said.
On the government side, Energy is beefing up oversight with experienced employees from other agency site offices and headquarters. "I would prefer to have a full-time permanent person," focused entirely on material control and accountability at the lab, but in the absence of a departmental budget, Energy doesn't want to over commit on staffing, Snyder said. Energy, like most other federal agencies, is operating under a continuing resolution because Congress failed to pass a 2009 operating budget for the department.
I think the photo looks like your typical LANL physicist/weapons designer. Does he have spandex bike shorts with black knee socks?
Oppie would be sadly disappointed at how LANL has turned out. - 8:13 PM
That's nothing. Just think what Oppie would have to say about the dregs who run the NNSA!
Capt. Tom D'Agostino is certainly no Gen. Groves. When is Dr. Chu going to get to work as the head of DOE and replace this guy? And, for God's sake, Dr. Chu, don't just take the lazy route and replace him with Bob Smolen!
I just noticed in my KNME TV monthly schedule, that LANL is no longer sponsoring educational shows being broadcast on ch. 5. SNL is still listed. Is this a change brought on by the corporate world (i.e., Rectel?
8:31 pm: "I think the photo looks like your typical LANL physicist/weapons designer. Does he have spandex bike shorts with black knee socks?"
Nope, just sandals and socks, any time it is not raining or snowing. Or, old striped running shoes with polyester dress slacks that are worn shiny and a t-shirt. And, a ratty, lice-infested beard. Yikes!
"Nope, just sandals and socks, any time it is not raining or snowing. Or, old striped running shoes with polyester dress slacks that are worn shiny and a t-shirt. And, a ratty, lice-infested beard. Yikes!
3/3/09 9:49 PM"
You are a sad sad person. No one looks like that at LANL. Please SFU and go away we are tired of your pathetic self hating rants. So your message is that you are a loser who could never make it in science or engineering. You are just bitter that you could not hack it. We got the message you are trying to send, you suck. Ya we know already so just let it go and go away.
I didn't realize Art Garfunkel was a LANL employee.
Some of you people need to lighten up and get a sense of humor.
That said, this post and the comments are indicative of how low LANL morale has sunk.
We speak of our Director as Mikey or the Ewok. Nobody ever spoke of Hecker or Browne with such disrespect. They were first-rate people and we respected them. They worked for the betterment of the Laboratory and to serve the country, not just for a sports car and a bonus.
We also respected UC management, at least until Foley showed up. Today we speak of Bechtel as Rectal. Again, no respect because respect is not deserved.
We speak of the DOE managers as D students because they are dumbasses. Few if any of them would have been employed at LANL prior to the LANS takeover.
I recognize 10:02. He's one of the beard-lice that 9:49 mentioned.
Hi, Dr Beard-louse! (waves hello)
"You are a sad sad person. No one looks like that at LANL.
3/3/09 10:02 PM"
Uh, yeah they really do. But the bike shorts are just as common.
One former coworker wore the same bike shorts all week, all day. The stench. The immodesty. But worse, in office meetings he would put his notebook down on his lap, point to the bottom of the page and say, "well look at this equation", and then his crotch would move. ugh. This was a common occurrence. There are some real weirdos roaming the halls of T-Div. Their Berkenstocks & socks are the least offensive things about them.
"One former coworker wore the same bike shorts all week, all day. The stench. The immodesty. But worse, in office meetings he would put his notebook down on his lap, point to the bottom of the page and say, "well look at this equation", and then his crotch would move. ugh. This was a common occurrence."
3/4/09 10:40 AM
Enough about Mary Neu, what about the other employees?
Hey Doug,
You want to give some tips to the LLNL blog owner? Yours is both more entertaining and more informative.
Sure, 3:52!
Here's the tip: Don't participate in running a blog about one of our fine NNSA National Labs.
Bad return on your investment, guaranteed.
(Unless, of course, you are a glutton for punishment, in which case, go for it!)
Oh, lest we forget: this is Frank's blog, not mine. Frank recently invited me to do a Comment of the Week feature, which has, I admit, has been moderately amusing.
Doug, people are trying to get a rise out of you and Frank. Don't let the little pricks - and likely management - get the satisfaction.
which has, I admit, has been moderately amusing.
"Moderately amusing"?? This is the best gig on the planet, man! Now we no longer need any stolen laptops or, even better, nuclear material, fraud and waste of tax money to complain about. We can just bitch about ourselves, brave heroes of the blogosphere and anonymous dickweed gnomes.
Uberdickweed Gnome
"Uh, yeah they really do."
Uh, no they really don't.
3/4/09 3:12 PM ..."Enough about Mary Neu, what about the other employees?"
No, not enough. This vindictive bitch needs to be exposed for all the harm she has done in her role. Just because she is blonde and has boobs and a big ass, does not mean she can continue without being exposed to DC, Mikey and Terry (who all seem to be impressed with her extra features and NOT her qualifications or performance). Just ask people like Carol Burns, John Gordon, Gene Peterson, John Sarrao, Kevin Ott, or Kevin John about her retaliatory tactics.
8:18 pm: "Gotcha dipshit, scientists do not have "office meetings", that is a business term. Try harder next time idiot."
I'm (almost) left speechless by this poster's naivete, not to mentions aggressive idiocy. Scientists do not have office meetings??? What a joke. In my organization, mandatory Group meetings are held every week. Discussions include program progress and problems, new management notices and/or requirements, new training, status of old Group business, etc. I guess this poster is some wannabe who has no clue about actual professional life, scientific or otherwise. Go change another oil filter, moron.
They have them. This guy is just pissed that he does not get invited. Must be because of his skanky bike shorts.
"3/4/09 11:02 PM"
Read what he said again and what you said. Of course scientists have meetings, however they never call them "office meetings". As you say they care called group meetings, discussion groups, or working group meetings. 10:40 took a story that sounds like something from the internet. 10:40 is a fake.
Wow, how clueless. Do you think scientists don't have meetings? What do you call it when you say, "we'll meet in my office later"? It's a meeting. Specifically, an office meeting, as opposed to a public or hallway meeting. Okay then, "meetings in his office" if "office meetings" sounds too business-like for a bunch of academic rejects.
"Real scientists" also should not be sexually harassing fellow TSMs. The jerk knows who he is. But I know of people in other groups that are just as bad. If you were honest, you would recognize them too, but it's easier to pretend that management is responsible for everything that's wrong here.
You guys sound awfully defensive. Are you afraid Bechtel might decide that coming to work in your bicycle or running shorts is somehow unprofessional?
There was in fact serious discussion at high levels of a professional dress code when LANS came in. They saw too many TSMs of the type described above, and too many secretary-types who dress out of the Victoria's Secret catalog for work. IMO, the whole issue of inappropriate attire is a metaphore for a lot of what's wrong with LANL. In the real world (i.e., not a university), a lot of these people would be sent home.
I can't believe this post is still getting comments.
" Just ask people like Carol Burns, John Gordon, Gene Peterson, John Sarrao, Kevin Ott, or Kevin John about her retaliatory tactics."
Since we got back on the subject of Mary Neu and her junk in the trunk, let's talk about Dave Thorn and the new GL position at C-IIAC. Are we going to see a mass exodus from IIAC?
To 5:38 PM - no, not immediately at least since Thorn is filling this position to ensure that the Neu hires Andy Gaunt and Iain May get some funding because people keep turning her into the IG for waste, fraud and abuse of power...
What the heck is Garfunkel doing at LANL?
8:29 pm: "What the heck is Garfunkel doing at LANL?"
Singing Paul Simon's "Still Crazy After All These Years."
"3/5/09 11:35 AM"
Ahh sorry, but you it looks like you got called out for the fake that you are. I am guessing you are a ex-LANL person who did not get converted and you are just bitter now. Ya talk about a reject.
Get lost and everyone wins.
Just to sumarize, you hate Neu, Wallace, Sikufus, Sattelberger, Kiplinger, and most other scientists at the lab. It is pretty clear you have a personal agenda in all of this. Has it ever occured to you that just maybe everyone else is not to blame for your own problems? Could, it be that you had something to do with it?
"and too many secretary-types who dress out of the Victoria's Secret catalog for work...
3/5/09 3:04 PM"
Too true.
Wow, I can't believe how many of you are unwilling to believe that some of the male scientists at LANL are creepy disgusting pigs. Yes, guys, the bike shorts are really nasty, especially after several days in a row. And nobody wants to see that "potato" bulging out of your spandex in front. This is not a Chippendales show... not until you get a decent tan and some muscle definition.
And as far as the general goofball tendencies at LANL, what's with the guy who commutes along Diamond Drive on an oversized unicycle? And in the evening he wears a bliking light on his helmet for safety - ROTFL!
Yes indeedy boys, as we ladies say: the odds are good... but the goods are very, very odd.
5:38 PM, I don't see why you'll get a mass exodus. Considering Thorn is chairing an LDRD-DR committee, and is also the Lab POC for Chemistry BES, I'd expect you'll quickly see a new infusion of funding and even more "strategic hires." After all, Thorn has been learning at the knee of the MASTER of waste fraud and abuse (and general harrassment and retaliation) for over 2 years now.
11:51 AM is wrong. It's never attractive to see a man sporting bike shorts. I would say many men here need to get some pants on, but then they go to the extreme and pick up the Bealls $10 special which is always two sizes too big. It's a shame too b/c some of you men are quite attractive from the neck up (until you open your mouth...).
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