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According the a LANL article posted today, thousands of people attended the LANS love fest. Do you hear, thousands!!! But on the pictures which LANS recently posted on the web, it looks more like a couple of dozen people were there at Overlook Park:
Smiles dominate at Lab Family Fest 2009 (LANL Today, Oct 6, 2009)
Thousands of happy faces tell the story
Thousands of employees and their families attended this year's Lab celebration, the Family Fest. Visitors traded smiles with Director Michael Anastasio and Deputy Director Ike Richardson, enjoyed juicy hamburgers and hot dogs served by ARAMARK employees, competed in the Lab's first-ever kickball tournament, and danced to the rockin' rhythms of the Nomads.

According to some university (name escapes me) and an authoritative source from FOX "news," there were at least 280,000 people there.
Luuuusers. There were *millions* of people a UllrFest that day. And the band was better too. *And* Mikey and his weenies weren't there.
looks like literally tens of people.
Boy oh boy. Those Livermites really know how to party. I'm surprised they didn't have a Beach Boy's theme. What ever happened to the good old family days anyway?
Who's been writing all these sappy news articles that have recently been appearing on the lab's web pages? It's embarrassing just to read some of the stuff they've been dumping out. Thousands of people? I think not.
According to Terry's All Hands meeting on Tuesday, it looks like salary contributions will soon be required to help save the TCP1 pension. I guess that LANS letter they sent out at the start of the year crowing about the great shape of the pension was incorrect.
Get a life, you crude jerk. Do you kiss your child with that mouth?
10/7/09 9:41 PM
Looks like someone on the LANS Love Fest planning team feels a little testy tonight. It must come from all the hard work of planning a corporate love fest for all those thousands and thousands of loyal employees!
In the top photo, Mikey has his thumb pointed rigidly upward. He's obviously preparing to thrust it right up some poor guy's ass.
10/7/09 8:28 PM
This would imply that he has finally pulled it out of his own. Although it might have been only for long enough to congratulate some poor peon with a warm handshake.
10/8/09 2:34 AM
Good guess but incorrect. Mikey couldn't have just pulled his thumb out of his ass since it was already occupied by 10/7/09 9:41 PM. You couldn't have known since it is just out of camera view. In this photo, Mikey is directing the gentleman to get in line, that's all.
I think there's at least a thousand weenies in that pan. Maybe a 100 thousand!
From the looks of those photos, it must have been 'Silly Hat Day' at the LANS love fest.
I hear that Aramark is having a cold weenie sale at the LANL cafeteria this week.
Oh wow, the "first ever LANS kick-ball tournament" was held. Mikey appointed Brett Knapp as Team Captain of the Livermore Ball Busters. He really good at kicking balls, especially his engineers.
should have been "striped" not "stripped". Decided to correct it before grammar nazi got it.
Sadly, no one noticed.
9:11, I guess nobody here cares about the TCP1 pension contribution news.
Either that, or nobody here believes anything that comes out of the mouths of our senior managers.
9:11, I guess nobody here cares about the TCP1 pension contribution news.
Either that, or nobody here believes anything that comes out of the mouths of our senior managers.
10/8/09 8:22 PM
No one I know who had a choice chose TCP1. It was a loser from the start. No one in corporate America has anything like TCP1 anymore, for that reason. Welcome to the real world.
Nobody here seems to care about much of any substance anymore, hence the debate over the various locations of the thumb in the picture. *yawn*
wow, so that is what my Lab Director looks like. he looks like a big dick and gesters like he has a little one.
curious as to why no picks of the PADs, ADs, DLs, etc.?
9:11 Once again, in regard to pension plan status, the market's great rise has not yet brought it back to where it (the market) was a little over a year ago. Meanwhile, the liabilities of the pension plan continue to increase each year due to the richness of the benefits. While it is true that the plan was fully funded as of 12/31/2008, per the letter sent out last April, it was just barely so, having fallen from about 130+% funding at the beginning of 2008 due to the market collapse. Due to the high cost of the DB plan, there was a possibility of employee contributions even if the market had not collapsed, unless there was a solid market uptick, say 8% or more per year, during the first two or three years of the new plan. Remember, the UCRP plan is in trouble as well. It appears that, so far at least, the LANS plan has done pretty well considering. Lets hope it continues to recover from last years market downturn.
As you enter the frailty of old age and your senility deepens and you begin to depend on the LANS pension more than ever for basics like food and heat, try to remember who now controls this big bucket of pension money: RILEY BECHTEL.
Good luck! You're going to need it.
11:54 am: "try to remember who now controls this big bucket of pension money: RILEY BECHTEL."
Nice try, but that claim is demonstrably untrue and simply reflects the pathetic, simplistic nonsense that often appears here. Curious for such an educated town. Want to provide some evidence for your claim (not "Riley is the head of Bechtel" - we all know that)? If you think you have solid evidence, also provide it to the US Attorney, because it would be, um, illegal.
1:35 Since you seem to know it all, just who does control the LANS pension? It is certainly no longer protected by California law.
1:35 No, it is protected by Federal law that is much stronger and more restrictive than laws governing the UCRP Trust. The LANS pension trust is overseen by the Benefits Investment Committee. None of the monies in the Trust can be used for other than the benefit of the trust and those participants in the pension plan. The DOL has already audited the LANS plan and trust this year with absolutely no findings of anything being out of order.
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