At least once a week we receive a comment that could best be described as one of those foaming-at-the-mouth right-wing political rants. They usually get rejected, much to the outrage of the frustrated blogger wannabe. Lately, though, one or two of these knuckle-draggers have become marginally smart enough to at least tie their rant topic to something, albeit slightly, topical to this blog. Like the NNSA, for example. So I approved one of those gems last night, to which somebody else replied this morning with what shall be our COW for this week.
From the
Comment of the Week, Thursday Evening Addition post:
"no one is paying attention"
Then where did your news article come from? Ahmedinejad-Clause? The nuke fairy?
Sarah Palin with fairy wings is HOT!
If only I could see her gozongas from my front porch as she flies across our border into the US. Where do they go?
How was the Thursday night post a "foaming-at-the-mouth right-wing political rant"?? The whole COTW thing started out somewhat interesting and sometimes funny. Now, not so much. IMO, the range of viewpoints allowed to be aired on this blog has significantly narrowed of late. If it ain't "NNSA sucks, "LANS sucks", or "(pick an upper manager) sucks", you ain't gonna read it here.
If it ain't "NNSA sucks, "LANS sucks", or "(pick an upper manager) sucks", you ain't gonna read it here.
9/12/09 1:42 PM
You are obviously at the wrong blog, 1:42 pm. I suggest you spend your time religiously reading LANS news source, LANL Today.
You'll find it much more to your liking as the news there is fully "sanitized for your protection" like a toilet cover sheet.
You're right, 1:42, the initiating comment wasn't exactly a rant, it was just stupid. As the COW points out, the entire premise of "no one is paying attention" was idiotic since the comment included a link to a news article covering the very subject that the poster is whining about.
And, one more time on the subject of censorship: some of the purest of the pure shit we receive doesn't make it to the blog. Most of it, however, passes right on through. What you see is what people are contributing. Some of the most vile of the personal attacks, claims of extramarital bi-sexual affairs, etc. etc. etc. we just deposit directly into the shit can. Likewise topics that are off-topic, having nothing to do with LANL.
I can't help you out much on the subject matter -- we don't write it. If it's not too your liking, try reading something else!
Actually, Doug, the initiating comment was so stupid, it was funny. Also, love the "Nuke the Kids" solution for health care!
You forgot 1:42 sucks, Kevin. I'm sure your loyalty will be rewarded soon enough.
"Some of the most vile of the personal attacks, claims of extramarital bi-sexual affairs, etc. etc. etc. we just deposit directly into the shit can." (Doug)
Thanks, Doug. You must have plenty of Lysol on hand. However, when the stuff posted is just plain bat-shit crazy funny, how about letting us in on the laughs sometime? Don't keep *all* the good stuff to yourself.
Well, ok 2:50.
Unfortunately, though, most of the "not fit for posting" material is either sick-twisted, or sad, or just plain filthy. However, I will keep an eye out for something that is all of the above, yet just plain bat-shit crazy funny. You can probably be guaranteed that it will be written at the level of a 4th grade dropout.
I wouldn't hold your breath, though. Most of the reject material is just plain sad.
The "sad" police? I don't think I need to be protected from that, Doug.
Deal with it, 10:04.
"Deal with it"
I don't *have* to deal with it. I work at LANL. I'm special. It's people like me that make LANL special. The internet is free. I can post whatever I want. Did I mention that I'm special? Do you have any more pictures of Sarah?
The saddest part about the Bechzillionare takeover of LANL as a profit-making machine is that the majority of the employees left at LANL don't seem to even care any longer.
They have tuned out and become blissfully unaware of what's taking place right in front of them. For many, former outrage has been replaced by denial and acceptance. The process of Bechtelization is well advanced at this lab.
"I don't *have* to deal with it. I work at LANL. I'm special." (8:41 AM)
Yeah, but I'm much *more* special than you, 8:41 AM, so you DO have to deal with it. Got that?
"I'm special. It's people like me that make LANL special."
8:41 sure got that part right, anyhow.
Boy, I tell you what: if some of the comments on this post (1:42, 10:04) don't clearly demonstrate that the dumbing-down of LANL has reached an unprecedented level, nothing does. You guys deserve each other, and LANS deserves you. I couldn't be happier that I no longer work there. You guys are a national embarrassment and don't even have the good sense to realize it.
Pray for rain. We need it. Pray for Iran to develop the bomb. We need a few trillion more dollars for the military-industrial complex (a few more millionaires for Los Alamos will come out of that as well of course). Health care? We don't need no stink'n health care.
Like there's not enough embarrassing dirty laundry aired on this blog already, and 10:04 wants more of this shit. It is almost as if he is trying to make LANL look as bad as possible. Christ, dipshit, doesn't LANL look bad enough already? You ought to be glad someone is there to filter out the worst of the sludge before it shows up here.
Some of us realize it.
2:52 pm: "Christ, dipshit, doesn't LANL look bad enough already? You ought to be glad someone is there to filter out the worst of the sludge before it shows up here."
Guess the truth hurts...
2:17 pm: "Pray for Iran to develop the bomb."
No need for prayer. Already done. Now, pray a U.S. city is not the first target.
9/13/09 12:30 PM wrote:
The saddest part about the Bechzillionare takeover ...is that the majority of the employees left at LANL don't seem to even care any longer.
They have tuned out and become blissfully unaware of what's taking place...former outrage has been replaced by denial and acceptance....
No, 12:30, tuning out and being blissful are luxuries we don't have.
What you see is the same resignation that is prevalent in the hollow expressions in images of POW's, hostages or others enslaved populations. The 'ball & chain' we are burdened with is a home that we know won't sell at a price that won't leave us destitute, or medical circumstances, family situations or some other compelling reason to stay and tolerate the captors of the LANL contract.
There may still be a few holdouts who may be covertly planning or awaiting the day when the tide will turn and LANL will be rid of the parasitic 'leadership'. For these few there could be value in appearing to go along with the current regime - wolves in sheeple's clothing, if you will.
"Pray for Iran to develop the bomb."
No need for prayer. Already done. Now, pray a U.S. city is not the first target.
9/13/09 8:09 PM
Not to worry, dude! The NEST Team will show up with 600 old washed-up scientists and technicians and argue for three days about the best disablement technique before having the team's McGiver cut the blue wire and save the world. Yeah, right!
I guess the best way to counteract foaming-at-the-mouth right-wing political rants is to post images conceived in the minds of foaming-at-the-mouth deranged leftists.
I agree, 9:56. That's certainly one way.
Sure glad I'm an Independent centrist. Those other guys spend way too much time foaming at the mouth.
I don't understand all the negativity on this blog. The NNSA's new Twitter site proves that everything is doing just fine in the weapons complex.
On a more serious note, it seems to me that NNSA and LANS are definitely winning the PR war. If you tell fibs long enough and loud enough with terms like "incredible progress", the public and press begin to finally believe you. That's the dirty truth about effective PR campaigns.
"No need for prayer. Already done. Now, pray a U.S. city is not the first target." - 8:09 PM
News out this morning announced that Venezuela is planning to develop nuclear bombs...opps, excuse me... I mean nuclear power. The Russians are going to help them with this project.
Watch out, LANL. It looks like NTS (via Steve Younger) is setting up to aggressive take over a big chunk of the NNSA's non-poliferation work:
Nevada Looks to Host Nuclear Security Center
Monday, Sept. 14, 2009 - GSN
The Nevada Test Site, once used for the detonation of more than 1,000 U.S. nuclear devices, could soon house a new center intended to promote nuclear security and nonproliferation, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported today (see GSN, June 27, 2008).
Operators of the Energy Department installation want to see the National Center for Nuclear Security established this fall at facilities already in place at the Mercury base camp. The site would be the home for work by experts on counterterrorism, nonproliferation and other security sectors.
It "will probably be the biggest thing at the site in many decades," said Stephen Younger, president of National Security Technologies, which manages the test site.
The center would be key to assisting arms control pacts and "other nonproliferation activities we're going to be doing with the intelligence communities," said Nevada Site Office Manager Stephen Mellington.
"We're pretty excited about it," he said. "The country is going to have to develop capabilities to ensure compliance with treaties."
Very good, 10:50.
And Los Alamos manufacturing (or not manufacturing) plutonium pits that are not needed for the stockpile because Pantex can supply all that we will ever dream of needing is pertinent to Venezuela and Iran how, exactly?
Lost Almost has been left behind in the dust; why is that so hard to grasp? Today's LANL has absolutely nothing to offer of any worth regarding nuclear proliferation. Unless, that is, witty construction company slogans about appropriate footwear will stop rogue nations from trying to build their own nukes.
"Unless, that is, witty construction company slogans about appropriate footwear will stop rogue nations from trying to build their own nukes."
No, that's a morale booster.
I guess the best way to counteract foaming-at-the-mouth right-wing political rants is to post images conceived in the minds of foaming-at-the-mouth deranged leftists.
Nah: 9:56 AM, much simpler. Doug had this hot picture of Sarah Palin floating around in the intestines of his private world class super computer. So he just posted anonymously a suitable comment (after whipping his ass with a wet towel for the anonymous post) and promoted himself the CoW - self sufficient, elegant, simple.
Everything you say is correct, 3:12.
Well, except the anonymous comment bit, and the part about the wet towel.
However, I would agree: I am remarkably elegant and self-sufficient.
While we're at it, care to guess who any of the other anonymous contributors are? Chris Mechels? Mary Neu? Kevin Roark? One or the other of the post docs?
Go ahead, give it a try: even a blind pig finds an acorn now & then.
A nonproliferation center in Mercury, NV? Ever been to Mercury? What idiot dreamed this one up? Never mind, it obviously comes from Harry Reid as all those suddenly-unemployed Yucca Mountain workers obviously need something to do.
"Not to worry, dude! The NEST Team will show up with 600 old washed-up scientists and technicians and argue for three days about the best disablement technique before having the team's McGyver cut the blue wire and save the world."
600? It only takes 300 Spartans to stop Persia, I saw it on TBS last night.
"What idiot dreamed this one up? Never mind, it obviously comes from Harry Reid as all those suddenly-unemployed Yucca Mountain workers obviously need something to do."
Wow. Just wow. A LANL-ite decrying congressional support of an NNSA facility.
Pot, meet kettle.
7:41 pm: "Wow. Just wow. A LANL-ite decrying congressional support of an NNSA facility."
Just how did you determine the poster was a "LANL-ite"? Magic? You just got bit in your ass-umption.
600? It only takes 300 Spartans to stop Persia, I saw it on TBS last night.
9/14/09 7:36 PM
I thought they lost.
Oh Snap, 9:54. You really got me.
It was a reasonable assumption that it was a LANL-related person who decried Senator Reid. (1) Other labs are competing well in nonproliferation, and therefore are not in enough pain relative to nonproliferation to complain. (2) The blog is centered on LANL.
These two premises make the conclusion that it was a LANL-oriented person reasonable. They do not provide absolute proof, but they do provide reasonable grounds.
LANL does not need non-proliferation work. It will be handed out to NTS and other DOE labs.
LANL is being prepped by NNSA for production work to deliver about 10 pits per year and not much else. Environmental cleanup will be the other big lab effort. LANS will comply with NNSA wishes in this plan. The downsizing at LANL will continue, but at a much faster rate. If you are thinking about making a career out of working at LANL, think again.
Whatever. You obviously have no clue what other activities are done besides pit production.. The program I currently work for has a $32 million budget, all on the nonproliferation/materials disposition side of the house.
The earmark for this NTS boondoggle is coming out of all the DOE labs' hides, not just LANL's. (Yes, including the much-vaunted ORNL). And several ex-LANL-ites are to blame for this fiasco, including Steve Younger, Ping Lee, and Jim Holt.
The earmark for this NTS boondoggle is coming out of all the DOE labs' hides, not just LANL's. (Yes, including the much-vaunted ORNL). And several ex-LANL-ites are to blame for this fiasco, including Steve Younger, Ping Lee, and Jim Holt.
9/19/09 5:45 PM
Boondoggle? What is it that LANS does that isn't a boondoggle; instrumenting fruit flies? It seems to me that if this is work (nonproliferation) that LANS doesn't want to do because it's beneath them, then so be it, let Younger's boys do it. Let's also give homage to all the former LANL employees, renegades, pirates, and castaways out at NTS that are making a honest nuclear living. Hell, I rather have these guys running LANL than the current bunch of Keystone Cops. At least Younger distributed all the bonus money to his troops, he didn't go off and buy a new sportscar with it like some people we know.
"It seems to me that if this is work (nonproliferation) that LANS doesn't want to do because it's beneath them, then so be it, let Younger's boys do it."
I beg your pardon, you ignorant jackass. LANS hasn't refused to work on nonproliferation, in fact there is continued pressure to grow this area. The $40M earmark was engineered by Harry Reid in concert with NSTec (Younger and crew). At this point, they are being paid to simply exist. Finding some useful work to do with the money is just an afterthought.
At least Sen. Reid is working hard to help bring large chunks of new research money into NTS. What are our New Mexico Senators Udall and Bingamin and Congressman Lujan doing?
Oh, yeah, now I remember. Lujan has designated LANL as an "environmental research park" and Udall and Bingamin saw to it that LANL received $212 million for environmental cleanup work which will mostly be doled out to sub-contractors formerly connected with Bechtel (i.e., Homeland Security Capital Corp).
That's just great. Meanwhile, NNSA is calling for at least 5% attrition in LANL staffing for next year. Excellent job, boys!
Sen. Reid is channeling the ol' St. Pete spirit. Too bad the NM labs are now without his political protection. It's never going to be the same without him.
Love him or hate him, at least Steve Younger has some stature and gravitas. He's even written several well received books over the last few years:
- Endangered Species: How We Can Avoid Mass Destruction and Build a Lasting Peace (2008)
- The Bomb: A New History (2009)
Compared to Steve Younger, Mike Anastasio is a complete light weight and a perfect example of the "Peter Principle" in action. It's sad that such a poor Director has been placed in charge of Los Alamos.
Even worse, all the Dep. Director positions have been handed out like a piece of candy to one year revolving Bechtel appointments since LANS took over. Most people at LANL don't even know the name of the lab's Dep. Director any more! That's says a lot.
10:30 am "Love him or hate him, at least Steve Younger has some stature and gravitas."
Exactly right. I worked with Steve (not for him). He was easy to dislike if your ego exceeded your intellect. His ego was large (and presumably still is) but his intellect was larger. He was willing and able to treat you as a peer as long as you didn't try to bullshit him, which was never really possible anyway. It is disturbing to consider the number of highly qualified people who could have been effective, forceful, and respected LANL Directors, but somehow weren't either interested or considered seriously by DOE. Instead we got Anastasio, supremely unqualified, apparently incompetent as a leader and manager, and respected by almost no one. I truly beleive the real villian here is not DOE/NNSA or Bechtel, but UC. They allowed all this to happen, when given the right hand at the wheel, they could have forged a much better outcome for LANL. UC's academic tradition was abandoned. Instead, we got Nanos, and it was all downhill from there.
"It is disturbing to consider the number of highly qualified people who could have been effective, forceful, and respected LANL Directors, but somehow weren't either interested or considered seriously by DOE. Instead we got Anastasio, supremely unqualified, apparently incompetent as a leader and manager, and respected by almost no one." - 8:27 PM
And look at the Dep. Directors LANS has been putting into that slot. They are rarely seen or heard. It's become nothing more than a prize slot for Bechtel to fill with their managers for one year terms of service.
UC and LANS have destroyed this once great institution by stuffing it with lousy managers who have no leadership skills other than talking about it with wishful and maudlin Shackleton Expedition analogies... good grief!!!
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