A letter to LANS management:
The Uncaring Director and the BeckZillions have taken over LANL. You now have one less person employed at LANL, so you are closer to your 5% reduction in FTE’S for next year.
You know who you are with your fancy clothes and fancy cars and non management skills.
You have moved here to rape and pillage the land; as soon as it’s destroyed you will move on leaving in your wake those of us that make our homes here to deal with what’s left.
I challenge our nationally elected officials, Senators Bingaman and Udall, Representatives Heinrich, Lujan, Teague and our state officials Wallace and Griego to wake up before Los Alamos National Laboratory is no longer. Come here and really talk to employees not management, find out the real truth.
I terminated (sorry according to management I had to say retired) otherwise it would affect my retirement, a play with words by management. What I really wanted to do after a Gestapo type grilling was terminate my employment and retire, as quickly as I could.
I would have like to have waited for a few more months, but management has other ideas on making life unbearable for employees. Do you think morale will get any lower? I have no doubt that they are out to make life as miserable for employees as they can, and YES it will get lower. My group leader and FLM will never know what a huge favor they did for me.
The clouds have lifted, the sun is shining brightly and I have no cares. Amazing how quickly the stress level dissipates, although it will take a little while longer. I actually feel like a huge weight has been lifted and I am taller. For the past 2 days my headaches have been less severe and getting better all the time. I have no urgency to my life. Take it as it comes and enjoy. I no longer wear a watch as I don’t have a schedule to keep. I am enjoying my new found life to the fullest, and doing things on my schedule.
To all the above LANS management THANK YOU! You really are the best and brightest, LOOK out for each other and wear your shoes that grip so that you will stay out it front. You really need those big fat bonus checks. A well deserved reward for killing off what was once the Crown Jewel Laboratory of the United States.
To all my friends and LANS employees leave while you still have your health, life really does get better.
Looking forward to many more days in my new found life, I don’t miss you LANS.
The Uncaring Director and the BeckZillions have taken over LANL. You now have one less person employed at LANL, so you are closer to your 5% reduction in FTE’S for next year.
You know who you are with your fancy clothes and fancy cars and non management skills.
You have moved here to rape and pillage the land; as soon as it’s destroyed you will move on leaving in your wake those of us that make our homes here to deal with what’s left.
I challenge our nationally elected officials, Senators Bingaman and Udall, Representatives Heinrich, Lujan, Teague and our state officials Wallace and Griego to wake up before Los Alamos National Laboratory is no longer. Come here and really talk to employees not management, find out the real truth.
I terminated (sorry according to management I had to say retired) otherwise it would affect my retirement, a play with words by management. What I really wanted to do after a Gestapo type grilling was terminate my employment and retire, as quickly as I could.
I would have like to have waited for a few more months, but management has other ideas on making life unbearable for employees. Do you think morale will get any lower? I have no doubt that they are out to make life as miserable for employees as they can, and YES it will get lower. My group leader and FLM will never know what a huge favor they did for me.
The clouds have lifted, the sun is shining brightly and I have no cares. Amazing how quickly the stress level dissipates, although it will take a little while longer. I actually feel like a huge weight has been lifted and I am taller. For the past 2 days my headaches have been less severe and getting better all the time. I have no urgency to my life. Take it as it comes and enjoy. I no longer wear a watch as I don’t have a schedule to keep. I am enjoying my new found life to the fullest, and doing things on my schedule.
To all the above LANS management THANK YOU! You really are the best and brightest, LOOK out for each other and wear your shoes that grip so that you will stay out it front. You really need those big fat bonus checks. A well deserved reward for killing off what was once the Crown Jewel Laboratory of the United States.
To all my friends and LANS employees leave while you still have your health, life really does get better.
Looking forward to many more days in my new found life, I don’t miss you LANS.
It seems to me that what would be truly effective would be a combination of (a) lots more letters such this, perhaps written with somewhat more reason and restraint and (b) signatures (retirees really don't have to stay anonymous, do they?).
As long as this sort of thing is written anonymously, management has an easy time blowing it off and justifying doing so to those to whom they report.
I'm not retired, though, so I have to remain unidentified, I'm afraid.
I should note that the author of this anonymous letter sent it to Frank requesting that he post it. Frank is all wrapped up in construction issues, trying to get his home built before winter and did not have time to post it. So he asked if I would do it.
Oh how true.
Anon?...just another one of Doug's cowards.
They're not mine. I don't claim any Anonymous Cowards. If you've got something to say...
I forwarded the letter to Doug for posting because I'm overwhelmed at the moment. I know who wrote it but I didn't share that with Doug.
9/8/09 7:53 PM - Doug and I aren't forcing you or even asking you to read this blog.
I publish anonymous post requests. In this case I was given a reason but I don't need one.
What gives with the 'roid rage? You're making yourself look silly by not signing your comments.
This may be a minor point in the greater context of the posted letter, but I wanted to explain the retirement vs. termination thing.
"I had to say retired) otherwise it would affect my retirement, a play with words by management."
Management probably doesn't care too much one way or the other, honestly - the "had to say retired" bit relates to how you are coded in ORACLE. If you are eligible for retiree medical, then you need to ensure the system records your separation reason as "retirement" so that your record will transfer on the file to Hewitt's Your Benefit Resources administration platform.
Otherwise... the system thinks you are a straight term and not eligible for retiree medical. That would be bad. In this case, your management was not playing any word games with your term reason.
You can still be "retired but ticked off" and write a formal letter to be sent to scan in your file, if you want to make sure the record is set straight on how/why you left the Lab. BUT, make sure you are "retiring" if you want retiree medical!
"What gives with the 'roid rage? "
Maybe it is actually roid rage, could be that some former Y-12 guards are posting. UuuRahh!!!
Thanks Greg!
he sounds like a golfer to me.
I have no objection to the letter writer staying anonymous. Unless he is truly retiring - e.g. playing golf - signing would get him blacklisted from future employment. Even if he just plans to fish, signing would get him ostracized in this town.
I do contest the concept that retiring is somehow sending a message, other than the message that he was happy to work in a deteriorating environment until he got a retirement check for leaving.
I can say that I along with a number of my colleages retired a number of years earlier than planned because the work environment became intolerable. Yes, the UC pension allowed us to do that and with the pension we probably would have stuck around longer. We were all too far into the age-disrimation category to seek other employement. And, of course, who can sell their house?
The letter would have had more impact if it had been signed. As it is, it is just more anonymous whining on the blog.
Agree with 9/9/09 7:11 AM: your future employer is not going to look favorably on your criticizing your current employer. Even if what you say is 100% true. (Or perhaps especially in that case!) "What if three years from now the guy posts the same thing about me?"
If anything, it may help your future employment chances if even after quitting you continue to post messages defending LANS at every chance. (Think Greg Close here with his "heroic" non-anonymous defense of Mikey and Co.) You'll be amazed to know how many employers like sycophants.
Anonymous at 9/9/09 8:45 AM said...
"The letter would have had more impact if it had been signed. As it is, it is just more anonymous whining on the blog."
Yes, perhaps the letter would've been more effective if it was more restrained, reasoned, and "balanced". It's a well-known trick. But, at least to me, there's something genuine about his anger. You simply cannot watch what's happening at LANL today and not feel very angry. How can any decent American not feel angry at the destruction of a leading national security lab, perpetrated by a bunch of crooks and frauds who benefit from this destruction? How can you sit still, as an American?
On the other hand, what can you do? "Blow the whistle?" Who do you go to? Your AD? He's part of the scheme. The Lab director? Riiight... DOE/NNSA? They've shown you this is precisely what they'd like to see. Remember, the auditors found the progress here incredible. Steven Chu? Barack Obama? They've just reappointed D'Agostino with high praise. The press? They've shown they don't care. They would only print sensationalist, scandalous stuff (even when it's false). Remember ford Mustang? Missing disks that never existed?
Seriously, I've been wondering lately: as an American, what am I supposed to do?
"Seriously, I've been wondering lately: as an American, what am I supposed to do?"
Start a blog. Complain anonymously.
9/9/09 10:24 AM: thanks Mikey! We needed that from you!
I don’t know where to post this, but I came across something last week that I thought might interest your readers. What I learned is that the government has an effective cap that they will pay a CEO on a government contract. For a Phd physicist, last year’s cap was ~ $160k. That cap is for total compensation, including bonuses, cars, etc. That is only ~ $10k higher than what they will pay for a senior Phd physicist. In other words, the government believes that Anastasio et. al. shouldn’t be making much more money than the staff does.
So how do LANS, Lockheed-Martin et. al. get around these rules? Most government research contracts are cost plus fee contracts. Any costs that are unallowable (i.e. high salaries) have to be paid by the fee. Consequently, if the fee is big enough corporations can pay their upper management just about anything that they want.
So how does the government determine what these caps should be? The Department of Labor, for one, keeps track of the salaries, both average and distribution, that are paid to people in various categories. The CEO category doesn’t distinguish between large and small corporations. Anastasio and his management get lumped in with every mom and pop research organization.
The next time you go in for a salary review you can bet your bottom dollar that the management will quote the DOL rates (or some other survey) to you while trying to convince you that you are being properly compensated. Just remember that the management doesn’t play by the same rules that they make you play by. Perhaps you should point that out to them.
9/9/09 10:24 AM
So, anonymously complaining about people posting anonymously, huh?
Really, Mikey, these cheap attempts to discredit interesting posts critical of the management are sure gettin' old.
In response to 10:52, I believe the number is around $400,000 for DOD for an executive. NIH allows up to about $190,000 for salary for a scientist.
"Seriously, I've been wondering lately: as an American, what am I supposed to do?"
Go back to sleep - it's been going on for years.
to 11:50 AM from 10:52
I am a CEO (not a lab employee) and we just got done re-negotiating a DOD contract. The $160k number is correct.
It is wonderfully ironic how many anonymous posters are complaining about the original post being anonymous.
And even more so that we have an anonymous complainer complaining about the anonymous complainers.
@ 9/9/09 9:11 AM
"Heroic"... c'mon. You win the Melodrama Award for that one, but I'm afraid you'll miss out on the Factual Analysis and/or Reading Comprehension awards.
First off, that "pro-Mikey" post was simply an objective fact for you to consider. Go re-read it. If your own prejudice limits you from acknowledging that a man you disagree with is still capable of a good act, then that's your problem, and your bias - not mine. It doesn't mean he's perfect, and it doesn't mean that you have to agree with his management philosophy or practice, all or in part. It's a fact to consider in your overall evaluation - if you wish to pretend it's not a fact, that is your prerogative.
As far as posting what my potential future employer(s) wants to read (are you paying attention, Google?), lets remember that I'm the same guy who posted that I'd sing the Love Boat Theme Song naked on LabNet if you had a 15% employee funded contribution per paycheck to TCP1. In terms of things prospective employers like to read, I would imagine (for a lot of good reasons) that's not high on the list. I have what I like to call career limiting honesty - what you see is what you get. Please go find even one instance in the last few years that I have been dishonest on the blog, for the sake of sycophancy or anything else. Agree with me or disagree, I have always been honest.
It's not the anonymity that drains credibility from the blog, it's the lack of verifiable fact. "So-and-so is a poopy head" or "More bonus for me! - Mikey" type posts do nothing to forward reform or to even demonstrate to whomever is reading this blog that the peanut gallery is even worth paying attention to. The level of discourse disappoints and frustrates me because it is so INEFFECTIVE, not because there is no point to the posts.
Be anonymous - but be factual, precise, and keep a modicum of respect in your tone (i.e. drop the name-calling), and you might find people who are not embarrassed to take you seriously.
A lot of people don't bother to check facts anyway. Those that do find them hard to check. The LANS attitude is 'we only answer to NNSA'. The NNSA attitude is 'we don't answer to anybody and we believe whatever LANS says as long as they do what we want and don't embarrass us.' DOE is unable to force either to answer a question. No point in going to them to check facts.
I admit some of the comments are frustrating, but the LANL blog readers have a better record of setting the facts straight than any official source I know of except perhaps for the DNFSB.
"I challenge our nationally elected officials, Senators Bingaman and Udall, Representatives Heinrich, Lujan, Teague and our state officials Wallace and Griego to wake up before Los Alamos National Laboratory is no longer." (Poster)
Sorry, Mr. Poster, but Terry Wallace is Jeanette Wallace's son and LANS management's likely pick for the next LANL Director. I don't think you can count on her to do a damn thing about the downfall occurring at LANL. Her family directly profits from it!
As for Lujan, his family is part of the New Mexican political mafia that runs the northern part of the state. Expect no concern from Lujan about LANL's condition. As long as his family's politically connected friends are all kept happy then he will be happy.
Sen. Bingamin and Udall? They are pretty much useless as New Mexico senators as far as the NNSA labs are concerned. They can also expect to see some significant political lobby money from LANS partners like Bechtel and BWXT.
No, the New Mexico politicians will be of no help stopping the demise of LANL. They'll continue to pretend that they see and hear no evil. Other than DOD and some national security think tanks, no one else in the country is at all concerned about the deteriorating state of the nuclear weapon labs.
Perhaps people leaving LANL should consider writing their letters directly to Director Anastasio. At least that way he would know how the departing staff members feel and some discretion would be obtained as I doubt he could (or would) release them.
He could ignore the letters, of course, or not even read them, but that would only solidify his position as a total sleaze ball of a manager.
To Greg regarding 3:05pm post:
I wish more people like you existed in the blogosphere. Exceptional comment. Facts are useful things -- and very hard to come by on these blogs.
Anonymous at 9/9/09 11:46 PM suggests writing a letter to me when a person retires or resigns. I think that is a great idea. However, after you write the letter, throw it into the trash. That will save me the trouble.
Anonymous at 9/9/09 11:28 PM is correct. ALL of our New Mexico politicians (city, county, state, and federal)are spineless scumbags.
We need a clean sweep at the next election.
This is interesting...
Obama reappoints nuclear weapons agency chief
- Contra Costa Times, 09/04/2009
"President Barack Obama has reappointed Thomas D'Agostino as administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration."
..."If we're going to have a smaller arsenal, we need to make absolutely sure that it's safe, secure and reliable," said agency spokesman Damien LaVera.
And who is this new NNSA PR guy, "Damien LaVera" mentioned in the article?
He's a political "hit man" for the DNC. He is also the type of guy who can give Kevin Roark some real competition in the liar game.
You can find out more here:
* DNC Hit Man Damien LaVera Is A Liar *
"Well, today LaVera crossed a line. Evidently he thinks if you repeat a lie enough times it will be believed as the truth."
"Damien LaVera didn’t get that memo and probably ignored the facts surrounding this non-story altogether. Truth and other factual information mean little to him because that kind of thing doesn’t make for good press copy."
Looks like NNSA has decided to cozy up real close with the DNC political operatives to stay in their good graces. Is it any wonder that Tom D'Agostino was recently re-appointed as NNSA chief, even though his NNSA record is one of running the nuclear weapon labs into the ground?
I'm sure Bechtel and BWXT have also "seen the light" and can now be expected to start re-directing their political goodies over the the majority side of Congress.
Corruption is rampant in Washington DC, including deep within the NNSA. Don't expect anyone inside the Beltway to change the dismal situation that currently exists at NNSA or LANL. It's too profitable for too many people in high positions of power.
Regarding this whole "anonymous" debate. I just want to remind all the whistleblowers and troublemakers that the University of California does not hold the pension money any longer. It is held by Anastasio and his minions. So while you may feel safe stating who you are after you retire, watch out people you just might be jeopardizing your pension. FEAR THIS!
That's true enough, 5:41. I was able to run the original LANL blog as myself while still working at LANL under UC because LANL staff were not "at will" employees like LANS employees are.
That is not to say that LANL management probably didn't want to fire me, I'm sure they did. Their legal team apparently advised them that the could not get away with it unless I screwed up by either
1) passing myself off as an official lab spokesperson (I never did), or
2) blogging on company time ((ditto), or
3) used government equipment to blog (likewise).
It is a bit different today.
However, that picture changes after you are no longer a LANL employee, which is why I believe this anonymous post-departure letter is rendered worthless because it was submitted anonymously. LANS cannot fire you now. If you really stand behind your convictions, Original Poster, you would have used your real name.
My opinion.
Damien LaVera is the Public Affairs Director for NA-1, according to the DOE phonebook. So get used to seeing his name.
Mr Anonymous no doubt has plans to come back as a consultant to LANL at 3x salary. So yes, stating his real name could cause some inconveniences down the road.
5:41mpm: "the University of California does not hold the pension money any longer. It is held by Anastasio and his minions."
Only true if you didn't retire from UC before the July after the LANS takeover. Many of us saw the writing on the wall and did just that. I am very happy to see UC's signature on my retirement check each month. What I say to LANS and LANL at this point is "is that all you got, sucker?"
NNSA announced today that LANL has made "incredible progress" hosting lab sponsored festivals since LANS took over the management of the lab.
"It's been truly amazing to watch this transformation in the lab's party planning ability", said NNSA chief Tom D'Agostino.
He went on to say, "LANS has meet our latest 'party giving' PBI metric and surpassed them beyond our wildest expectations."
If you attend, be sure to wear those shoes that GRIP!
LANL Today, September 10, 2009
Big party no big deal when you plan it right
Planning, planning, and more planning underpins a Lab Fest of fun
Brunch for six can give even the most organized party-thrower pause for thought. How about a party for thousands?
That task doesn’t faze Camilla Lopez, manager of the Contract Assurance Office Deployment Team. She was charged by the Director’s Office to coordinate the Lab’s "Family Fest " — Saturday, September 26 — when the entire Lab will get together for fun, music, and good food. Since family and friends are encouraged to participate, the event will likely see attendance numbering in the thousands.
So, what does it take to throw a company bash that’s guaranteed to leave myriad guests with a multiplicity of tastes full, smiling, and exclaiming, “That was SOOooo much fun!”?
“Planning, planning, and more planning,” says Lopez. With a big dollop of teamwork, delegation, and sincere thank-you’s to volunteers tossed in. Lopez knows exactly what it takes, because last year she organized the Lab’s “Summer Celebration.” That event drew almost 4,000 employees and guests and won rave reviews.
* Pick the right volunteers, then let them run *
Planning begins with Lopez pulling together her team of volunteers and then letting them carry out their own plans for their areas of responsibility — all while keeping their eyes on the big picture and talking, talking, talking to each other.
This year the “Dream Team, “ as Lopez fondly calls the committee, consists of 16 core and support members. They cut across Lab disciplines — from Business Law to Worker Safety and everything in between — a diversity Lopez actively seeks. What they all have in common, she says, “is imagination, energy, and a passion for large-scale events that bring people together.” These qualities are vital, because three months of planning and the proverbial ball-juggling will consume their free time.
* Details make the plan *
Duties fall into broad categories that are packed with details:
* Food: Plan a tasty and affordable menu. This year’s came within $100 of last year’s (applause here!) and it pleases vegans too.
*Entertainment, senior leaders, volunteers: A live band with CDs in between to keep music going. Games: what kind? Where do we put the bigwigs so they can meet and greet and get involved in the games? Remember to engage the volunteers!
*Tent and booth: How many, what kind, where placed, and what about signs?
*Communications: Name the event; then tell, invite everyone; how???
*Personal security: Need first aid and HAZMAT teams; don’t forget local police.
*Logistics: Tents, toilets, trash, take-down, water, power, etc., etc., etc. And how much does this cost?
*Park coordination/parking:* Check with county for restrooms, water, space. Don’t forget a map!
*Legal: Much insurance. Many contracts. Are vendors insured? The lawyers will surely ask.
*Budget: Invoice tracking. Get codes for all.
Like any big project, the Family Fest moves forward by means of goals and timetables. The big difference, says Lopez, is “no extensions are possible. The event happens on September 26, so everything has to fall in place like we plan.”
And the entire committee is working hard – even as you read this – to make sure that it will.
The Family Fest takes place 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, September 26, at the Overlook Park in White Rock. To register, click on the link on the Lab’s internal homepage or go to the Family Fest Web site.
Sounds like one heckofa event, 9:17. I don't suppose that the stellar planning committee you refer to so glowingly accounted for the burning desire of the many LANL retirees, such as myself, for example, to attend the festivities?
"Personal security: Need first aid and HAZMAT teams" (LANL Today)
Holy cow! HAZMAT teams for "personal security" at a lab sponsored family festival?
That sounds like typical LANS overkill. What do they have planned? Dunking tubs filled with vats of sulfuric acid? Plutonium Popsicles? Cotton candy made from spun asbestos fibers? Or perhaps its just for the LANL bottle water containing generous amounts of lead and copper.
@ 9/10/09 5:41 PM
Mike does not hold your pension assets. The TCP1 pension is held in Trust and protected by a whole slew of laws to prevent any such thing from happening.
Retaliation in the form of some sort of pension adjustment or cancellation is not only silly, it's impractical, illegal, and difficult to achieve. Between ERISA and the PPA, that sort of thing should be the least of your worries, if you worry about such things. FYI.
Greg - If the LANS pension is sooo secure as you assert, why do you suppose Anastasio et al. are still under the UC system?
Again, while I like you and admire your bravado for posting with your own name, I also think you are naive as all hell.
Doug Roberts at 9/10/09 9:33 PM said:
"Sounds like one heckofa event, 9:17. I don't suppose that the stellar planning committee you refer to so glowingly accounted for the burning desire of the many LANL retirees, such as myself, for example, to attend the festivities?"
"Seriously, I've been wondering lately: as an American, what am I supposed to do?"
--9/9/09 9:38 AM
Move to France. They got it right after all.
@ 9/10/09 5:41 PM
Mike does not hold your pension assets. The TCP1 pension is held in Trust and protected by a whole slew of laws to prevent any such thing from happening.
Retaliation in the form of some sort of pension adjustment or cancellation is not only silly, it's impractical, illegal, and difficult to achieve. Between ERISA and the PPA, that sort of thing should be the least of your worries, if you worry about such things. FYI.
9/10/09 10:32 PM
Retaliation, silly, impractical, illegal, and difficult to achieve. THE LANS MISSION!
@ 9/11/09 5:29 AM
I'm not naive - I'm well informed. There's a difference. I myself chose TCP2. I didn't make the choice because I'm scared of the funding status, but because I knew that likely I would not be at this place for the 10 years that would make it worthwhile (retiree medical).
Don't assume Mike's decision has anything to do with funding. It might. It might not.
Last time I checked, UCRP was at about the same funding level as TCP1, if not a fraction less but you can check yourself by comparing our federally required pension funding statements to UC's published statements.
"I myself chose TCP2. I didn't make the choice because I'm scared of the funding status, but because I knew that likely I would not be at this place for the 10 years that would make it worthwhile (retiree medical)." (Greg)
As LANL moves forward, you're going to see very few new hires who decide to make a career at LANL and stay for the long term. Most will probably stay for only 5 to 7 years and then move on.
In fact, that is what I suspect both NNSA and LANS want to see happen. It keeps future benefit costs very low. That is why you currently see little concern about the abysmally low employee morale, particularly with TSMs. They want to move employees into and out of the lab at a much faster rate.
LANS will see a huge attendance at this year's Fall Festival because D-level students love to party!
How do you think they achieved all those ultra-low grades while they were in school?
"The Uncaring Director and the BeckZillions have taken over LANL."
There were plenty of people predicting what would happen to the lab once LANS (Bechtel) took over the institution. I'm surprised it has taken over 3 years for many of the employees to figure this thing out.
Yes, the poster is right on target. The only thing to expect from this point out is that it will likely get worse for most of the remaining staff who are trying do do good science. LANS does not want them. The future is a smaller lab doing production, facilities upkeep and construction with liberal amounts of support orgs and even greater levels of management.
Pantex announced more downsizing today as the NNSA weapons complex continues to shrink....
Pantex, BSA to Trim Jobs - Amarillo.com, Sep 11, 2009
The Pantex Plant, faced with a fiscal 2010 budget shortfall, is offering "voluntary separation packages" to employees, but plant officials don't anticipate future layoffs.
"The (voluntary separation program) is an opportunity for employees who may have been planning to leave B&W Pantex either for retirement or other employment," said B&W Pantex President and General Manager Greg Meyer.
Employees who are accepted for the program will receive severance pay, medical benefits and outplacement assistance.
B&W Pantex spokeswoman Laura Bailey said the plant is not releasing the budget shortfall figure but said the plant doesn't expect any layoffs.
Last year, the National Nuclear Security Administration authorized the plant to offer the packages to 350 people, and 62 accepted them. Congress, Bailey said, has not finished the fiscal 2010 budget, but the NNSA has approved offering voluntary separations to 170 people during this round.
Pantex, located about 17 miles northeast of Amarillo, assembles and dismantles nuclear weapons.
"In fact, that is what I suspect both NNSA and LANS want to see happen. It keeps future benefit costs very low."
NNSA may care. Why would LANS care, apart from LANS doing what NNSA wants? These costs are all reimbursed, and do not affect profits.
9/11/09 5:46 AM
Its worse than that. LANS wants their CURRENT EMPLOYEES off the premises ASAP and never to return!
Everything within the NNSA's weapons complex is doing just fine. Here, take a look:
Yes, things are going grand at NNSA. Just check out the latest incredible news from NNSA sites over at Twitter, Facebook or YouTube:
Better yet, check out the NNSA jobs openings listed on MySpace (NOTE: Scientists need not apply, but you probably already knew that):
"NNSA may care. Why would LANS care, apart from LANS doing what NNSA wants? These costs are all reimbursed, and do not affect profits."
Look, DOE/NNSA does not care what it costs. They only want what they want when they want it. The money comes from the Govmint - so why should we care what it costs?
"The Pantex Plant, faced with a fiscal 2010 budget shortfall, is offering "voluntary separation packages" to employees, but plant officials don't anticipate future layoffs."
We have 3500 people doing a workload that 1200 people can do but, we'll do our very best to get by on 3250.
LANS cares very much about having the lab budget balance by the end of each fiscal year. If there are too many employees pulling a salary for this to happen, something has to give. That usually means downsizing.
LANS also has to make sure that the operating budget can handle the payments to TCP2. The "match" money doesn't come from NNSA. It comes straight out of the lab's operating budget.
In summary, lab costs and the budget do matter. The money doesn't just pour out of DOE/NNSA, no matter what. People who work at LANL and think otherwise are living in a pipe dream. They have been sucking on the easy-money tit for too long.
i'm surprised no one has mentioned the kickball tourney for the lanl suckfest. that explains why hazmat team will be out...
be sure to byob.
i'm surprised no one has mentioned the kickball tourney for the lanl suckfest. that explains why hazmat team will be out...
be sure to byob.
9/11/09 4:35 PM
Of course, mandatory piss-testing of all attendees will also be enforced at the LANS suckfest, so I would be careful about that BYOB thing, 4:35 PM.
"Its worse than that. LANS wants their CURRENT EMPLOYEES off the premises ASAP and never to return!" - 12:57 PM
LANS (aka Bechtel) has to make room for positions to hand out to more incoming Bechtelites and their extended families, 12:57 pm.
This is not your "lab" any longer, comprende?
Pssssst! Want a hot stock tip? :
--- Homeland Security Capital Corporation (OTCBB:HOMS) opened Tuesday at $0.14 per share on trading volume of 176,925 shares.
In a press release out on Aug 25, 2009 -- Homeland Security Capital Corporation "HSCC" (OTCBB:HOMS), an international provider of specialized technology-based radiological, nuclear, environmental, disaster relief and security solutions to government and commercial customers, announced today that its environmental remediation subsidiary, Safety and Ecology Corporation (SEC) along with their teaming partners were awarded a Master Task Order Agreement (MTOA) stimulus funded contract with a maximum value potential of $100M from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).
Homeland Security Capital Corporation Awarded First Stimulus Related Contract
Fox Business News, Aug 25
..LANL spokesman Fred deSousa said, "Overall, 11 companies submitted bids for the master task order agreements. Of the winners, these companies met our criteria better than the others and we believe they'll be the ones to provide the value the taxpayers expect."
C. Thomas McMillen, Chairman and CEO of HSCC commented, "We are pleased to be awarded this first stimulus related contract. SEC has bid on several shovel ready projects to be funded by stimulus spending and this award indicates that the funding put in place earlier this year is beginning to flow to the projects."
SEC is prepared to return to LANL to perform RA/D&D services. SEC was a recipient of the 2009 LANL Pollution Prevention Awards for successful completion of a demolition project achieving significant waste avoidance through a strategic characterization, processing, and debris segregation methodology.
Homeland Security Capital Corporation is run by a former Congressman and a former manager from Bechtel. Follow the money trail. LANL is up for sell. The Bechzillionaires are here!
(Deep Throat)
Is Charlie McMillan related to Thomas Mcmillan? How did the love fest go? Did Mikey get a Monica or two (or two-hundred) from all the new Bechtillians?
Dear LANL:
All your bases are belong to us!
Riley Bechtel/Chief BechZillionare
"To all my friends and LANS employees leave while you still have your health, life really does get better." (Post)
That seems to be the only thread of optimism left at LANL these days (i.e., things get better once you leave). More and more staff will probably have the chance to test this thesis out in the next couple of years as the Bechtelites continue tearing down what's left of LANL.
Anonymous dude, buh-bye already.
Hey, "Leaving LANL", but sure to drop off your LANS Employee Engagement survey results before leaving the lab.
From 9/14/09 10:57 AM
"That seems to be the only thread of optimism left at LANL these days (i.e., things get better once you leave). More and more staff will probably have the chance to test this thesis out in the next couple of years as the Bechtelites continue tearing down what's left of LANL."
Yes,expect more suicides. This is the undertone of this message. I guess this is why the fence protecting the sides of the Otowi Bridge were made higher earlier this year. LANS knows ...
8:12 pm: "Yes,expect more suicides. This is the undertone of this message. I guess this is why the fence protecting the sides of the Otowi Bridge were made higher earlier this year."
Geez, grow some, will you? At least have consideration for the poor shlubs who have to clean up your mess. Just overdose and climb into your bathtub, in case you vomit before you die. Same place if you choose to shoot your own head off, but please draw the shower curtain (better yet, go up into the Jemez and lose yourself before you do it). And whatever you do, don't decide to take somebody with you. You're not worth it. Be kind to those you leave behind. And oh by the way, good riddance.
Agree. Exaggerated self pity is very unattractive.
If you don't like working here, 8:12, leave. Don't inflict your sorry ass on the rest of us.
"Just overdose and climb into your bathtub, in case you vomit before you die. Same place if you choose to shoot your own head off, but please draw the shower curtain" (9:25 pm)
Doug and Frank, this sounds like the same sicko who told lab "trouble-makers" to go "off themselves" in the post entitled "DOE Cares".
This is sick stuff and should not be allowed on the blog. Who is this creep? He's obviously mentally ill and appears to need serious help with his anger management problems.
Frank and I would greatly appreciate it if you all made up your minds. If we suppress some of the garbage, you [the collective "you"] complain. We let it through, ditto.
Get it together, please.
On the other hand, we do recognize that the blog is a place to whine...
It seems like 9:46 pm was doing the whining.
I hope that a low tolerance for bullshit and self-pity has not become a censorable event on this blog.
Clearly not, 10:35. Were we to do that we'd have a blog with near zero traffic, and that would be, well, almost like the LANL NewsBulletin, or whatever they call it these days now that they've locked it up behind the corporate firewall.
Admittedly, the LANL NewsBulletin (or whatever...) might well be a hotbed of lively discourse and controversy these days, for all I know.
Congratulations. I wasted a full five minutes trying to think of something I could say to inspire you to be a more compassionate person. You've stumped me and now I'm going to bed.
I thoroughly enjoy all these "going away" letters. Let's see MORE of them!
- Mikey
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