Apr 7, 2007

Life After LANL

Thanks for starting a follow-on, follow-on LANL blog. It will be good to have a place to continue to read about the goings-on at LANL that haven't been passed through the LANS PR filters.

The real story, in other words.

As a complete, shameless aside, I wanted to include a link to the latest album that a musician friend of mine just released. The title of the album is Lucky 13, and the artist is Mike Montiel. You can get a sneak preview of the album here.
Thanks, and good luck.

--Doug Roberts
LANL, Retired

Its great to hear from you, Doug. And life after LANL sounds pretty good if the music is any indication!

PS For everyone else who had a request to have something posted please be patient. The Brain and I were a tad overwhelmed by the requests we've received.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky son of a gun, Roberts. Retired from LANL, and you get to play with great musicians.