The topic of this week's COW is "Drunken Posts". Here's an example:
Where´re my two! rejected posts at 8/14/09 ≈5:10 PM, and at 8/15/09 ≈10:35 AM ???
PS: Doug, you have censored six posts in total by me, e.g. you are a censor, coward, and a hypocrite.
PS: Doug, you have censored six posts in total by me, e.g. you are a censor, coward, and a hypocrite.
This, after two badly-spelled, off-topic political rants were rejected. All I can say is, please, PLEASE say this to me directly to my face some time. Please!
Have a great weekend everybody. And of course: don't drink and post.
Good luck with that, Doug. The Anonymous Coward would be too afraid to ever do something so brave.
Good work on filtering out some of the shit here. Most of us have no idea what kind of garbage gets removed before we see it.
Four alternatives for this blog:
(1) Start blogging - this blog is very slow with new posts.
(2) Stop censoring posts that you don´t agree with Mr. Doug Roberts.
(3) Doug, stop act as an internet bully, with your endless ad hominem attacks.
(4) Close down.
(5) Stop reading this blog, if you don't like it.
(6) Start your own blog.
(7) Take your garbage somewhere else.
Doug, as "internet bully"? Well, I guess that's one perspective. Another might be the one that suggests there a few extra-cowardly "internet crybabies" who hang out here whom we would gladly not hear from. Thanks for filtering their posts, Doug & Frank!
Four alternatives for this blog:
(1) Start blogging - this blog is very slow with new posts.
(2) Stop censoring posts that you don´t agree with Mr. Doug Roberts.
(3) Doug, stop act as an internet bully, with your endless ad hominem attacks.
(4) Close down.
Another drunken poster?
P.S. It is finally after noon! I can finally go to the store and get some booze and start drinking. Just wait about 3 hours, then I will be able to think of some really insightful comments. By 7:00 I should really blow your mind.
P.P.S. Doug you are a big poopy-head for forcing me to read your blog and not allowing me to get my own.
I feel your pain, 12:04. Try to bear up under the strain of it all. Be brave. Have one for me.
8/16/09 12:04 PM
sloshed again,eh,postscript boy?
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