Oct 16, 2007

Heard in the Hallways Today

From one of our loyal readers...

Here are a couple things overheard in the corridors:
  1. There will be news to the workforce on Wednesday, 17th of October.
  2. Involuntary notices will be handed out in early December, probably 3rd of December.


Anonymous said...

Christmas will come early this year, on December 3rd!

It is really clear that nobody gives a damn about morale at LANL.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it is like they are rubbing it in our faces. What is really sad is how Mike cancels All-Managers Meetings simply to continue to keep the first line managers in the dark. Their asses are on the line if anyone sues. People keep asking GLs what is going on and they haven't a clue.

Anonymous said...

It's funny, as I walk the halls, in several differnt organizations at several different work sites, I really don't see or hear anything out of the ordinary as regards morale. People chat, they gossip, etc., but I don't hear any really low-morale indicators, such as acting out, yelling, or other bad behavior. It just seems like business as usual. People are concentrating on getting their work done. Any other anecdotal evidence of dissention or disquiet in the ranks?

Anonymous said...

what i've heard today - Sec3161 plan approved by DOE 10/22; Voluntary plan released by LANS same week - 10 (work)days to decide, 10 to reneg; BOTH voluntary and involuntary receive letters of "at risk" 11/26; BOTH voluntary and invloluntary OFF THE SITE week of 12/3 (we wouldn't want any disgruntled/hostiles hanging around for 3 months) with 60 days pay in leu of notice (for voluntary this might be the "small incentive" discussed earlier).

Anonymous said...

"I really don't see or hear anything out of the ordinary as regards morale."

Wow... just, wow.

Anonymous said...

930pm, I heard the exact same schedule with the target number being 10% across the board at the Division level.

Anonymous said...

As I have heard among co-workers, the only folks who seem "really" concerned right now, are the ones who were very close to retirement time, and now have to make a decision about whether to take the VRIF or retire. Most are favoring the former, as expected.

Sure there are people whispering or gossiping about whats happening, but I've seen a lot of good work being done this week and past few to indicate that it isn't
impacting all LANL-workers as some would like to suggest here.

I still cannot figure out why some here on this forum say "bail now", - unless they are/were so poorly compensated or lacked decent scientific work or have been jacked around into overhead work like audits, working on IWM, safety analysis, etc. Or maybe burnt out management? Time for them to go! Please take the VRIF or get the IRIF, so rest of us can continue our careers without the drain.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing it may go down like this...

The LANS RIF plan will come out with explicit numbers of layoffs for each Directorate. The ADs will then partition out their numbers to the Division Heads, who will then partition out their numbers to the Group Leaders.

The rubber meets the road at the GL level. GLs will be tasked with the gut-wrenching job of targeting their staff to meet the numbers they were assigned. They'll meet these numbers by ranking staff according to the specifications given in the LANS plan.

You can also expect that there will be some hard bargaining going on behind closed doors as managers up and down this chain try to have their numbers reduced by fighting for changes in the partitioning scheme at each level.

It should all be pretty ugly, regardless of how pretty the LANS RIF plan looks on paper.

Anonymous said...

From Anonymous at 10/16/07 9:30 PM

"BOTH voluntary and invloluntary OFF THE SITE week of 12/3 (we wouldn't want any disgruntled/hostiles hanging around for 3 months) with 60 days pay in leu of notice (for voluntary this might be the "small incentive" discussed earlier)."

This is a recipe for disaster for ongoing work. If this is done, then there will be no opportunity for a reasonable transition of the work.

This is utter foolishness!

Anonymous said...

6:23 is right. Without a sufficient transition period, how will tomorrow's LANL scientists learn to laser young interns in the eye? Who will teach young TSMs how to mix up toxic aqua regia clouds?

Anonymous said...

"the ones who were very close to retirement time, and now have to make a decision about whether to take the VRIF or retire."

I would expect the majority that take the voluntary incentive are vested and of retirement age. Therefore, taking the voluntary and retiring are no different - you leave employment and immediately retire. If you're eligible and don't retire within 120 days (out of either UCRP or LLNS TCP-1) you lose retiree medical forever.

Anonymous said...

Heard that Marquez is/was in Washington meeting with the DOE about LANS RIF plan. Don't know if he's still there, but DOE may not have approved it.

Anonymous said...

Well, Mike and Terry, it looks as if today's the big day.

I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.

Dr Rumack

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's funny, as I walk the halls, in several differnt organizations at several different work sites, I really don't see or hear anything out of the ordinary as regards morale. People chat, they gossip, etc., but I don't hear any really low-morale indicators, such as acting out, yelling, or other bad behavior. It just seems like business as usual. People are concentrating on getting their work done. Any other anecdotal evidence of dissention or disquiet in the ranks?

Yeah, pull your head out of your ass. Staff at LANL are professionals and are not going to display the immature behavior you so desire. asshole

Anonymous said...

Food fight in the cafeteria today. Pass it on.

Anonymous said...

One poster argues that it will be the "salami slice" RIF, with (e.g.) each GL tasked to remove x%, where x varies little among groups.

I have my doubts. There are some very seasoned political infighters at the Div. level who seem to know how to make other divisions feel their pain (interestingly, this political ability to get others to take the hit goes hand-in-hand with complete incompetence at their main job -- which makes sense when you think about it).

You might then expect to see entire divs just vanish, and some divs remain untouched. Just don't get your hopes up -- it won't be fair.

Anonymous said...

"...60 days pay in l[i]eu of notice (for voluntary this might be the "small incentive" discussed earlier)."

Assuming this is about 2 mos of pay, that's about 16-17% of yearly pay.

Anonymous said...

RIFs are guaranteed to bring out the worst in almost everyone at LANL. I don't look forward to this exercise, however, this is probably just the first wave of layoffs coming our way.

It's now very clear that NNSA has plans to radically downsize the workforce throughout the complex. Keeping a job at a NNSA lab is going to be mighty tough over the next 10 years.

Anonymous said...

"I really don't see or hear anything out of the ordinary as regards morale."

Baaaaa...baaaaaa....baaaaa said the sheep right before slaughter.

Anonymous said...

"Heard that Marquez is/was in Washington meeting with the DOE about LANS RIF plan. Don't know if he's still there, but DOE may not have approved it."

Was a wearing a black hood and carrying an ax?

Anonymous said...

"Heard that Marquez is/was in Washington meeting with the DOE about LANS RIF plan." 7:56 AM

I believe there is a mug shot of a smirking Rick Marquez wearing sun glases from the Fall Festival celebration over at the LANL web link of unusual photos (Only at LANL).

Isn't that him?

Anonymous said...

Word from Washington: LANS plan rejected. So no announcements today.

Anonymous said...

Surely than plan wasn't submitted before the end of the stakeholder comment period!

Anonymous said...

One poster argues that it will be the "salami slice" RIF, with (e.g.) each GL tasked to remove x%, where x varies little among groups.

Interesting theory but many divisions are currently SHORT staffed and have a hard time meeting their programmatic milestones. Performing a salami slice RIF would make things even worse.

Anonymous said...

WE should all be wondering WTF is the rush to approve the plan and to implement the plan (RIFs) so soon since the continuing resolution doesn't expire until mid November and both Domenici and Bingman have stated that they are hopeful that a continuing resolution will remain throughout fy08. It appears the agenda for the RIF is not $ but the 2030 plan pushed through by a lame-duck presidency and administration. We are FY08 - WTF is the sudden urgency to immediately begin implementing the 2030 plan. Duh, we're just a bunch of dumb scientists who can't calculate that it is uh, 22 years from now, plenty of time to determine what our new "mission" should be. What gives?

Anonymous said...

5:43 PM, interesting comment, especially considering we do not know the FY08 budget... as in the whole USA budget including that of NNSA and all possible WFO organizations. So exactly how do you determine you are short staffed?

Anonymous said...

Well, 6:30, it goes something like this:

1) Domenici has lost his marbles. He's out of the game for good. Incipient dementia fills his world these days, not LANL.

2) Even our presidential candidate, Guv. Richards doesn't want to talk about that steaming pile of embarrassment that is LANL.

3) The CR is a two-edged swords. Continuing operations at last year's funding levels is a good thing if you have some reasonable expectation that you will be funded at last year's levels.

4) There is little-to-no expectation that LANL will be funded at last year's levels. Each day, therefore, that we continue to operate spending money as if we had it compounds the RIF situation.

Geez, what do they teach you LANL scientists in college, anyhow. It sure isn't either common sense or Econ 101.

Anonymous said...

7:00 pm:

"Even our presidential candidate, Guv. Richards doesn't want to talk about that steaming pile of embarrassment that is LANL"

It's pretty obvious you don't have anything to do with LANL and don't even live in NM, otherwise you'd know how to spell our Governor's name. Care to disclose from what exalted postion you propose your opinions?

Anonymous said...

Give it a rest and stop being such a putz, 8:21. You (or someone who writes just like you) always starts off with an "It's pretty obvious" that someone is from out of state/not a scientist/etc.

Well, it's pretty obvious that you are a frickin' moron, and if you are a scientist, you are a piss-poor one. Try using reason and attacking someone's arguments.

Who cares where they come from? What matters is whether they make an insightful point.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty obvious that 8:21 PM is a Richardson lov'in Dim-ocrat. Care to disclose from what exalted position you propose your Richardson support? Maybe straight from one of Bill's campaign offices?

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:36PM. Why start of by marginalizing the other person? Why not just state your reasons for disagreeing with that person. It's probably the same person that likes to use the "troll" label to diminish the other person's standing. The last time I recall the word troll being used was as a child, listening to the fairy tale story of goats crossing a bridge controlled by a troll. The Los Alamos bridge maybe?

Anonymous said...

5:43 PM, interesting comment, especially considering we do not know the FY08 budget... as in the whole USA budget including that of NNSA and all possible WFO organizations. So exactly how do you determine you are short staffed?

Because many Divisions (I'm talking Divisions who support DP and MD programs not WFO) were already short staffed AND assuming a spending rate commensurate with FY07, there are not enough people in some programmatic areas to currently meet expected milestones. Scope will need to be cut.

Anonymous said...

"there are not enough people in some programmatic areas to currently meet expected milestones. Scope will need to be cut." - 9:21 AM

...or moved over to LLNL.

There is no reason to believe that all of LANL's current programs will be staying on the Hill for much longer. The whole selling point of both LANS and LLNS was integration. Well, they are about to integrate, and this RIF gives LANS a golden opportunity to accelerate the effort by clearing the decks within several programmatic areas at LANL.